Tag Archives: texas

More Than 100 Illegal Aliens Cut Through Wire Installed by National Guard to Enter the U.S.

A group of about 100 illegal aliens cut through a wire barrier installed by Texas National Guard and crossed the border into the states on Friday. 

The concertina wire was installed by the Texas National Guard, according to KFOX 14, and runs along the Rio Grande River. The area where the illegal immigrants crossed in near a high school in southern Texas. 

After the group cut the wire, it caused a chain-link fence to collapse, Border Patrol told the outlet. Reportedly, all the individuals who were a part of the ordeal were taken into custody and processed. They are expected to be placed into removal proceedings. 

NBC 15 News reported that the arrested were adult males and females from Venezuela, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador.

“Individuals and families who attempt to enter the United States without authorization, and who are unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the United States, will be removed and are subject to a minimum five-year bar on reentry as well as potential criminal prosecution for migrants with a criminal history,” a statement Border Patrol provided to the outlet read.

Late last month, over 100 illegal immigrants attempted to enter the United States illegally by rushing a border wall and breaking through razor wire, according to the New York Post:

A group of men with hoodies, gloves and winter jackets could be seen pulling fencing away and dashing through the concertina wire, as a group of five guards stood in a defensive formation to fill the gap.

The guardsmen firmly held their rifles and stood their ground in front of the migrants, who heavily outnumbered them.


In the video, some figures raise their hands in surrender, but seconds later, others scramble through, with some coming through the guards’ legs and knocking them out of the way.

The group then scrambled to the border gate and started to shout at guardsmen on the other side.

Abbott Announces Plans to Build a Military Base Near Eagle Pass

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced plans to build a military base camp near El Paso, Texas, while responding to President Joe Biden’s ongoing immigration crisis.

The military base will house National Guard troops tasked with the sole responsibility of keeping the southern border secure and free from illegal migrants crossing into the U.S.

Abbott said on Friday that the camp will be built on 80 acres of land in Eagle Pass and hold up to 1,800 Texas National Guard members. It will also have room to house an additional 500 members in an effort to keep the border’s security on lockdown.

“This will increase the ability for a larger number of Texas Military Department soldiers in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and efficiently,” Abbott said during a press conference.

The governor said the first 300 beds should be ready by April, promising not to reduce Texas resources on the border any time soon.

Announcing today the construction of the Forward Operating Base in Eagle Pass.

This new base camp will help improve conditions for 1,800+ @TxMilitary soldiers deployed to protect Texans from the chaos at our southern border. #OperationLoneStar

More: https://t.co/Ts5QpXnYwm pic.twitter.com/RStn74gNrJ
— Gov. Greg Abbott (@GovAbbott) February 16, 2024

“It’s going to consolidate our forces, as opposed to being scattered around many different places across this region. They will be operating out of one place. It will amass a large army in a very strategic area,” Abbott continued, adding that he plans to keep Operation Loan Star in effect for the foreseeable future.

As the Biden Administration continues to ignore the crisis at the southern border blatantly, Abbott has taken it upon himself to keep Texas citizens safe from the president’s reckless policies.

He has installed miles of razor wire along areas of the border and shipped illegal migrants to Democrat “sanctuary cities” to bring awareness to the devastating issue plaguing the country.

Major General Thomas Suelzer also told reporters that Texas plans to expand operations north and south of Eagle Pass by adding three more fan boats and expanding the state’s drone program radar truck capabilities.

“This will organize substantial forces to expand the razor wire barriers that are going up. We have seen the effectiveness of the razor wire in Shelby Park, where crossings have gone from 3,000 to 5,000 a day to less than 1%,” Abbott said.

“Texas would not be able to respond to President Biden’s border crisis without the brave men and women of the Texas National Guard, and it is essential to build this base camp for them,” the Republican said.

Per the Epoch Times, the Texas military base camp will include:

A 700-seat dining facility.
A recreation center.
Laundry facilities.
WiFi access.
Individual rooms for soldiers.
Chaplaincy programs.
Medical and psychological health facilities.

Joe Biden Just Got Humiliated in the Border Standoff With Texas

A constitutional crisis looms as states like Texas have taken it upon themselves to enforce our nation’s immigration laws and protect our country from invasion. 

Earlier this week, the Biden administration demanded Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton give Border Patrol access to a city park on the Rio Grande riverfront, but the Texas National Guard continued to defend the state of Texas and, indeed, the United States, despite those threats. Since then, Joe Biden has been under pressure from the left to federalize the Texas National Guard so they can’t block U.S. Customs and Border Patrol from removing razor wire from barriers on the southern border.

Well, that might be a moot point, as Border Patrol has taken a side on this issue, and they’re siding with Texas.

And they weren’t shy about it either.

“Rank-and file BP agents are not going to start arresting TX NG members for following their LAWFUL orders. That’s fake news,” the Border Patrol union said in a statement posted to X/Twitter. “TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other’s jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out those orders.TX NG members realize that rank-and-file BP agents have their orders as well. Lawful orders, no matter how unpopular or distasteful amongst rank-and-file agents, must be followed. Unlawful orders (as determined by competent legal counsel and not what some outhouse lawyer behind a keyboard says) will not be followed.”

The statement continues, “Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America. We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abott, or TX DPS. It may make flashy headlines, but it simply isn’t true.”

Rank-and file BP agents are not going to start arresting TX NG members for following their LAWFUL orders. That’s fake news.

TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other’s jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out…— Border Patrol Union – NBPC (@BPUnion) January 26, 2024

A senior Border Patrol agent also revealed on Fox News that the agency has no plans to remove the razor wire put up by Texas.

BREAKING: A Senior CBP Official tells FOX:

“the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS, & TMD remains strong… Bottom line: Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border. Our posture remains the same.” @FoxNews— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) January 26, 2024


Make no mistake about it: this is a stunning development, as Joe Biden finds himself stripped of the leverage he once held in this confrontation. Mere days ago, the White House acknowledged that Joe Biden had authority in this matter, even though they weren’t willing to say one way or another that he’d use it. It was a clear warning, but now that warning rings hollow, rendering Joe Biden impotent and bereft of the presidential bully pulpit. The dynamics have clearly shifted in this standoff, leaving Biden in a weakened position.

Supreme Court Allows the Invasion to Continue

By a vote of 5-4, with two conservative justices joining the liberals, the Supreme Court has ruled that federal agents can cut razor wire installed along the Texas-Mexico border while a lawsuit over the wire continues. The Border Patrol Union and its agents who have spoken to reporters favor the razor wire installation because it is working in that section of the state in keeping migrants, criminals, and fentanyl out, but that apparently doesn’t matter to the court.

While the emergency appeal of a lower court ruling upholding the action by Texas did not require an explanation for their votes, it likely is because the majority felt the Constitution grants power to the federal government over individual states when it comes to border control. The obvious question, which the court did not address: why is the federal government not enforcing immigration laws which migrants are breaking to enter the country?

Suppose a Mexican army – no, forget an army – suppose a ragtag bunch of drug dealers decided to invade Texas, the governor acted to stop them – including installing more razor wire – and the Biden administration did nothing to stop them? Would the court be OK with that? The effect is the same as if an army of any kind was crossing the border.

How many more murders, rapes and drug deaths are to be tolerated before the administration begins to enforce laws passed by Congress and signed by presidents of both parties? If this is not a violation of Biden’s Oath of Office, what would qualify?

A statement from White House spokesperson Angelo Fernandez Hernandez i s laughable: “Texas’ political stunts, like placing razor wire near the border, simply makes it harder and more dangerous for frontline personnel to do their jobs.” Except, as anyone can plainly see from watching pictures of tens of thousands of migrants streaming across the border, they are not doing their jobs because the Biden administration won’t let them.


Even President Biden recently stated the obvious when he said after months of denials by himself and his Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that the bord er is not secure. If his previous statements weren’t lies, we need a new definition of the word.

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott said in response to the court ruling that the razor wire is an “effective deterrent” to the illegal crossings and “I will continue to defend Texas’ constitutional authority to secure the border.” Local police and the Department of Public Safety officers have been arresting migrants on trespassing charges, but ultimately they will be turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) which is likely to continue releasing them into the country. From there they will likely head to already overcrowded cities seeking low- paying jobs, taking playground and other spaces from school children and in the case of New York, depositing human waste in parks, in the streets and in some cases in cups they leave on the doorsteps of local residents.

That this will – and already is – a major issue in this year’s presidential race is clear. According to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll” More voters pointed to immigration than to inflation as a top policy concern. The survey found that 35 percent of respondents listed immigration as their paramount concern among an array of issues, with inflation in a close second, named by 32 percent of respondents.”

Beware Democrats. You are on the wrong side of this issue.

The Executive Branch Is Deliberately Failing Americans

The president of the United States is the head of the federal government’s executive branch. Among that branch’s responsibilities is law enforcement; this is why the president takes the oath to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States” and “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The Biden administration is failing utterly to perform these responsibilities, and nowhere is this more evident than with immigration.

The United States has an extensive body of immigration law that provides criteria for immigration and procedures by which foreign nationals can establish residence or citizenship. It is the constitutional obligation of the executive branch to enforce these laws. President Joe Biden refuses to do so.

The predictable result has been a flood of illegal immigrants. More than 300,000 people crossed the southern border illegally this past December, a record high in a year filled with staggeringly high numbers:

November: 242,418
October: 240,988
September: 269,735
August: 232,972
July: 183,503
June: 144,607
May: 204,561
April: 211,401
March: 191,900
February: 212,266
January: 156,274

Nearly 2.5 million people entered the U.S. illegally just in 2023. (Note that these numbers do not include anyone crossing the border without interacting with Border Patrol officials.) More than 10 million people have crossed the border illegally since Biden took office; that number is larger than the individual populations of 41 of the 50 states.

The costs to Americans are enormous and growing.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform published a comprehensive report last year showing that federal, state, and local expenditures for illegal immigration are approaching $200 billion annually.

But dollar figures don’t capture the real costs to everyday Americans. We do not have sufficient affordable housing for our own citizens. Veterans and the elderly have been forced out of housing to make way for illegal immigrants. Our own homeless population is exploding, many of whom need treatment for addiction and/or mental illness. In Chicago, migrants have been living in the O’Hare airport. Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey has asked citizens to take migrants into their homes. Just this week, a New York City high school was closed, and its students were sent home for “remote” learning so that nearly 2,000 migrants could be housed at the school during a winter storm.

Illegal immigrants also distort congressional representation. They are counted in the decennial census population tallies, so their presence increases congressional representation for states with more of them. That reduces the voting power of citizens in states with lower populations.

Open borders facilitate human trafficking, including child sex trafficking. In 2022 alone, the Department of Homeland Security lost track of 85,000 unaccompanied children it had placed with “sponsors.” A departmental whistleblower testified before Congress last spring, warning that “…[T]he U.S. Government has become the middleman in a large scale, multibillion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.” Illegal drug importation is contributing to record numbers of fatal drug overdoses in the U.S.

Illegal immigration also burdens our criminal justice system. According to the 2023 Annual Report of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office, more than 170,000 illegal immigrants were arrested in this country last year. Nearly half already had criminal records; on average, four prior charges and convictions. A significant number are DUI arrests, and many involve fatalities. Just this past week, a Colorado woman and her son were killed in a drunken driving collision; the driver of the other vehicle was an illegal immigrant who had been deported from the U.S. four times. 

As I have written elsewhere, public policy created by the refusal to enforce the law (as opposed to writing legislation to change it) poses unique difficulties for us as Americans. Our rights depend not upon statements in documents or speeches but on (a) the willingness of most people to respect them and (b) the willingness and ability of the legal and justice systems to enforce them. If someone can steal your property with impunity, and the police will not arrest them, you have no real property rights. And if the federal government does not enforce our immigration laws, then we do not have a border. Without a border, we are losing the distinct rights or privileges associated with citizenship. Anyone who makes it across the border can access welfare, subsidized food and housing, free education, health care — even the (unlawful) ability to vote in our elections, a motive becoming increasingly obvious, as the same politicians who!

Support open borders also oppose election integrity laws like requiring voter ID or proof of citizenship.

The U.S. House of Representatives is moving forward this week with impeachment proceedings against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. His repeated lies and refusal to enforce our immigration laws should make his impeachment and removal a simple matter. But Mayorkas is only a tool; the real problem lies not with him but with his boss. It is too late — and probably pointless — to impeach Biden. And in any event, these policies did not originate with Biden. Refusing to enforce immigration law was the brainchild of former President Barack Obama, who sought to use open borders and unlimited immigration as a vehicle for massive wealth transfers from Americans to the poor and impoverished of other nations.

That seems now to be a plank in the Democratic Party platform.

America cannot afford another four years of an open-border Democrat administration. In 2024, we must elect a president who is committed to the integrity of the U.S. Constitution, the enforcement of our immigration laws, and the protection of American citizens and lawful residents.

The survival of a free and prosperous United States of America depends upon it.The Executive Branch Is Deliberately Failing Americans