Tag Archives: joe-biden

Dems, media fool no one: White House is knee-deep in Trump prosecutions

The five criminal and civil prosecutions of former President Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Joe Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them.

But Biden has long let it be known that he was frustrated with his own Justice Department’s federal prosecutors for their tardiness in indicting Trump.

Biden was upset because any delay might mean that his rival Trump would not be in federal court during the 2024 election cycle.

And that would mean he could not be tagged as a “convicted felon” by the November election while being kept off the campaign trail.

Politico has long prided itself on its supposed insider knowledge of the workings of the Biden administration: Note that it reported this February that a frustrated Joe Biden “has grumbled to aides and advisers that had [Attorney General Merrick] Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded.”

If there was any doubt about the Biden administration’s effort to force Trump into court before November, Politico further dispelled it — even as it blamed Trump for Biden’s anger at Garland: “That trial still could take place before the election and much of the delay is owed not to Garland but to deliberate resistance put up by the former president and his team.”

Note in passing how a presidential candidate’s legal right to oppose a politicized indictment months before an election by his opponent’s federal attorneys is smeared by Politico as “deliberate resistance.”

Given Politico was publicly reporting six months ago about Biden’s anger at the pace of his DOJ’s prosecution of Trump, does anyone believe his special counsel, Jack Smith, was not aware of such presidential displeasure and pressure?

Note Smith had petitioned and was denied an unusual request to the court to speed up the course of his Trump indictment.

And why would Biden’s own attorney general, Garland, select such an obvious partisan as Smith?

Remember, in his last tenure as special counsel, Smith had gone after popular Republican and conservative Virginia Gov. Bob MacDonald.

Yet Smith’s politicized persecution of the innocent McDonnell was reversed by a unanimous verdict of the US Supreme Court.

That rare court unanimity normally should have raised a red flag to the Biden DOJ about both Smith’s partiality and his incompetence.

But then again, Smith’s wife had donated to the 2020 Biden campaign fund.

And she was previously known for producing a hagiographic 2020 documentary (“Becoming”) about Michelle Obama.

Selecting a special counsel with a successful record of prior nonpartisan convictions was clearly not why the DOJ appointed Smith.

The White House’s involvement is not limited to the Smith federal indictments.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ paramour and erstwhile lead prosecutor in her indictment of Trump, Nathan Wade, met twice with the White House counsel’s office.

On one occasion, Wade met inside the Biden White House.

Subpoenaed records reveal that the brazen Wade actually billed the federal government for his time spent with the White House counsel’s staff — although so far no one has disclosed under oath the nature of such meetings.

Of the tens of thousands of local prosecutions each year, in how many instances does a county prosecutor consult with the White House counsel’s office — and then bill it for his knowledge?

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s just-completed felony convictions of Trump were spearheaded by former prominent federal prosecutor Matthew Colangelo.

He is not just a well-known Democratic partisan who served as a political consultant to the Democratic National Committee: Colangelo had also just left his position in the Biden Justice Department — reputedly as Garland’s third-ranking prosecutor — to join the local Bragg team.

Again, among all the multitudes of annual municipal indictments nationwide, how many local prosecutors manage to enlist one of the nation’s three top federal attorneys to head their case?

So, apparently, it was not enough for the shameless Bragg to campaign flagrantly on promises to go after Trump.

In addition, Bragg brashly drafted a top Democratic operative and political appointee from inside Joe Biden’s DOJ to head his prosecution.

Not surprisingly, it took only a few hours after the Colangelo-Bragg conviction of Trump for Biden on spec to start blasting his rival as a “convicted felon.”

Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.

So, it is past time for the media and Democrats to drop this ridiculous ruse of Biden’s White House “neutrality.”

Instead, they should admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.

These Three Ideas Will Win 2024

That makes this week’s debate more meaningful than others in the cycle’s past.

This week’s debate reveals—in many ways—the blueprint for the election of 2024. Every candidate for federal office will be viewed as an extension of the Presidential nominee representing them this week.

The major reason this is the case is because both men have had the reigns of government, both have a record in office, and the people will choose on those records.

From a purely policy perspective that indicates the most lopsided loss in history should be expected for the incumbent. But with the malcontent in office, his corrupt influence with the media, and whatever gamesmanship they may have planned for shenanigans the Trump team has zero room to relax or take a breath.

By extension, it also means that the rest of the ticket must play it equally tough. It is not time for the U.S. Senate candidate for a state or a House candidate for a district to wander off message. Incumbent Democrats are chained to Biden’s failures and his attack on Americans

Yesterday in the Bronx at a rally for electeds Jamal Bowman and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, in a borough where Trump just weeks ago drew twelve times the turnout (on a weeknight,) the pair from “The Squad” went profane, angry and unhinged.

They did so because that’s all the top of their ticket has left them with.

Did I also mention that a poll this week has New York State within 1% between Trump vs Biden?

Speaking of deep blue strongholds President Trump held a rally in deeply blue Philadelphia, largely attended by Hispanics and African Americans, and not only packed out the Temple University venue, but like the Bronx rally even more people lined up outside and around the block.

The reason he is getting this seismic response may twist the brains of Jake Tapper and Rachel Maddow but it shouldn’t surprise just about anyone and everyone else. He’s talking about three things that every voter cares about.

Trump promises to protect the American people from the wanton dangers of crime and to keep them safe. Biden’s plan of flooding our nation with illegal aliens and the Democratic push to defund police have put every American in jeopardy. Trump’s message: close the border, deport the criminals, and back the blue. Simple. It resonates with Obama’s largest fundraiser from 2008, who announced she’s now Team Trump, and it will work for Senate and House nominees. It will work, that is if you make it your core policy point on the trail. If one gets distracted by other frivolous or even just less important talking points—then it takes the voter’s eye off the biggest  issue on the radar.

Trump is promising to protect the American people’s hard-earned money. It’s not the government’s money, it’s the people’s money. Through deregulation, you unleash the economy again. Through the extension of the Trump tax cuts before they expire—including the child tax credit—you create financial improvement for every poor and middle-class family and child in America. And by reversing Biden’s war on energy and letting Americans domestic energy flow we will reverse the regressive tax of 20% increase of costs on goods that Biden has gleefully overseen. Side benefit: Getting American energy-producing again also bankrupts Russia and Iran which will curtail their ability to make war. If Russia is poor they can’t invade their neighbors. If Iran is poor they can’t pay proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthies.

Lastly, Trump is promising to protect American children. Parents have a right to know what their schools are teaching. They have a right to determine the curriculum. They have the right to believe that boys and girls will be respected for their distinction. And they have the right to expect their girls will be kept safe by not having to allow men into their locker rooms, showers, and fields of play. Biden believes America’s children belong to the state. Americans believe they belong to their parents. This isn’t controversial. So say it over and over: “We are fighting to protect your children!”

If Republicans down the ticket want to win—parrot what Trump is promising. Protect Americans’ safety, money, and children.

Every American cares deeply—in their heart of hearts—about these three things. Biden has attacked them on all three fronts. And a united Republican ticket championing these simple three ideas will landslide the competition.

Now get to it!

Trump Has Picked His VP

Former President Donald Trump has picked his 2024 running mate. 

On Saturday, Trump announced that he has decided who will be his vice president, but hasn’t told anyone who he or she might be yet. 


“In my mind, yeah,” Trump told reporters at a Philadelphia rally when asked if he’s decided on his trusty sidekick. 

“No, nobody knows,” the former president said when asked if anyone knew. However, Trump confirmed they will be at the first 2024 televised debate between him and President Joe Biden. 

Last month, I reported that Trump’s VP shortlist had been narrowed down to just a handful of potential choices including  Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), Sen.Tim Scott (R-SC), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), and Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.). 

Potential choices received vetting materials from the Trump campaign in recent weeks as he prepares to make a final decision. 

NEW: Trump tells me and @DashaBurns just now:
– He’s picked his VP
– He hasn’t told them yet
– They’ll be at the debate pic.twitter.com/xL3qV98PFL— Jake Traylor (@jake__traylor) June 22, 2024

A source close to the 2024 hopeful told the New York Post that Trump is looking for three things in regards to a running mate. 

“He’s looking for who can raise money, he’s looking for who is an effective surrogate on TV with adversarial media, and he’s looking at who will do the best job debating Kamala Harris,” the source said. 

As the country has anticipated the announcement of Trump’s VP pick for some time, the former president has downplayed the impact of a running mate on how the election will turn out. 

“It’s never really had that much of an effect on an election,” Trump said. 

Trump’s senior adviser Brian Hughes said the former president’s top concern when choosing a VP “is a strong leader who will make a great President for eight years after his next four-year term concludes.”

Looks Like Trump May Have Minnesota In the Bag

Former President Donald Trump may have a big chance to turn this blue state, red. 

According to new polls, Trump is in the lead to secure Minnesota, resulting in the Biden campaign panicking over the president’s diminishing chances to win in November. 

An Emerson College Polling/The Hill state poll found that Trump holds a slight advantage over President Joe Biden in six swing states and tied in Minnesota— at 45 percent each. 

“In our first polling in several key swing states since Trump’s conviction last month, there has been little movement,” Spencer Kimball, the executive director of Emerson College Polling said. 

A recent memo from the Trump campaign revealed that it is expanding ground to Minnesota after it signed eight leases for “Trump Force 47” offices in Minnesota. 47 signifies the number of the next president should Trump win.

“The addition of Minnesota and Virginia to the electoral map opens up at least 12 additional pathways to 270,” the memo said, the number of electoral votes needed to win.

If Trump takes home the gold in Minnesota, he would be the first Republican to win the state since Richard Nixon in 1972. 

In 2016, the former president came close to securing the state but lost it to his Democrat challenger Hillary Clinton. 

Pollster Frank Luntz said that media undermining Trump’s triumph in Minnesota shows that the media doesn’t understand what is happening in the political landscape regarding polls. 

“I don’t think the media understands exactly what’s going on right now,” Luntz said. “Yes, Trump dropped a few points after being found guilty on 34 felony accounts. But remember this: that would have destroyed any candidate as recently as 10 years ago. And the fact that Donald Trump is still even with, or in some cases, leading Joe Biden after being found guilty of 34 felonies?”

Despite the Democratic National Committee (DNC) investing more than $500,000 in Minnesota for staff, technology, outreach efforts, email fundraising, data, and operations infrastructure ahead of the election, Biden’s chances in the Gopher state still look weak. 

Turley Weighs in on How Pelosi’s Admissions Highlight Credibility Issues of J6 Committee

Damning video footage going around of then Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) from January 6, 2021 has been going around, as she admitted “I take responsibility” for not being more prepared for the events of that day. As a result, there’s been even more scrutiny of the January 6 Select Committee. 

Law Professor Jonathan Turley had particularly strong words not merely for Pelosi, but for the members of the Select Committee as well, who failed to publicly disclose such footage. It was only just recently released by the House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight. 

…Had Pelosi and other accepted National Guard support and installed fencing as was done at the White House, it is doubtful that the riot on January 6th would have occurred or any disruption would have been far more limited in scope.— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) June 11, 2024

As Turley argued in his post, the event of January 6 might not have gotten so out of had if Pelosi had acted. The members of the Select Committee helped her cover it up:

Had Pelosi and others accepted National Guard support and installed fencing as was done at the White House, it is doubtful that the riot on January 6th would have occurred or any disruption would have been far more limited in scope. The fact that the J6 Committee downplayed this major factor in the riot further undermines how the investigation was framed by the Democratic leadership. Pelosi barred the GOP members selected for the committee, hand picking two anti-Trump Republican members.

The absence of any balance on the committee was evident from the start. There was little effort to present alternative explanations or defenses to critical issues raised in hearings. No opposing witnesses were called who might contradict the narrative put forward by the Committee, including witnesses who would debunk the much-repeated, false claim that Trump wrestled with his driver to gain control of the presidential limo to drive to the Capitol.

With the Speaker admitting on tape that she bore responsibility for the lack of precautions, one would think that the J6 Committee, including then Vice Chair Liz Cheney, would consider that relevant for the public to understand the underlying facts. Instead, it was buried with much other countervailing evidence.

RecommendeAnother key point of Turley’s addresses the left’s hypocrisy when it comes to the outrage involved. Just months before January 6, Lafayette Square faced out of control protests in the days following George Floyd’s death. The National Guard was called in for that situation, with Pete Hegseth detailing the harrowing experience in “The War on Warriors,” which we previewed late last month, shortly before the book’s release. 

Then President Donald Trump had to be taken to safety, for which he received severe mockery for, with the situation also being the source of misinformation. As Turley also noted:

What was so curious about the lack of precautions that morning is that the Capitol had just experienced the violence outside of the White House in the Lafayette Park protests.

To this day, the media and many members continue to repeat false accounts of the Lafayette Park. Many still have stories posted that claim that Lafayette Park was cleared for Trump to hold a photo op in front of a church. I discussed those accounts in testimony before Congress and in columns on the clearing of the Lafayette Park area. NPR still has a story on its website entitled “Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op.” More officers were injured in the Lafayette Park protests than on January 6th.

As previously discussed in repeated columns, the House Democratic leadership refused to hold a single hearing with key witnesses on what occurred before the riot. After using a “snap impeachment,” weeks went by without calling such witnesses before the Trump impeachment trial. Such evidence would have challenged the narrative and raised questions over decisions made by Congress that left the Capitol vulnerable to such an attack.

In the Lafayette Park protests, White House officials feared that the compound could be breached by violent protesters who had injured dozens of officers and engaged in arson and attacks around the White House during that weekend. They decided to clear the area to install fencing (which Congress only ordered after the Jan. 6th riot). They also deployed the National Guard and the “heavier, less lethal weapons” that the Inspector General found were denied to the Capitol Police.

Townhall and our sister site of Twitchy have been covering how Turley has been speaking out about such particularly damning findings from the Subcommittee on Oversight and its chairman, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA).

Last week, for instance, we learned that the Secret Service tried to offer testimony for months to rebut star witness Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony about Trump, but that they were “rebuffed” until the day before the 2022 midterm elections.

Loudermilk has appeared on “The Mark Levin Show,” Just The News, and Fox Business to discuss the latest development.

While on Just the News, he agreed that Pelosi “should take responsibility,” but that he still has questions about such failures. “Why did not her Select Committee investigate that failure,” Loudermilk specifically wanted to know, “that turned into simply a Committee that tried to tie Trump to all these failures instead of looking at the failures within the Capitol.” 

“I still have the questions,” Loudermilk reiterated, speaking about the National Guard. Although Pelosi may have taken responsibility, Loudermilk still lambasted the Select Committee for how “it spends $18 million trying to say that it was Trump’s responsibility that the National Guard wasn’t there, and that the Capitol was breached.”

He also posted that Pelosi’s “admission of responsibility directly contradicts their own narrative,” as he also called for “#J6Truth.”

“Why were they caught flat-footed?”@RepLoudermilk (R-GA-11) says footage of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declaring “I take responsibility” for failing to have a better security plan for the U.S. Capitol on January 6 raises more questions. The video, released by House GOP… pic.twitter.com/PGVMTcQHaE— Real America’s Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) June 10, 2024


Pelosi’s J6 Select Committee spent taxpayer’s money chasing false political narratives and using Hollywood producers for their ‘investigation.’

Her admission of responsibility directly contradicts their own narrative. #J6Truth pic.twitter.com/xbNrkVopo7— Rep. Barry Loudermilk (@RepLoudermilk) June 10, 2024

Larry also did a deep dive analysis word for word of Pelosi’s remarks earlier on Wednesday.

“‘I took full responsibility?’ She never accepted responsibility,” Larry argued about Pelosi. “She deflected it the entire time! In fact, I will argue that the entire January 6 Select Committee was designed to cover this up, to hide the truth, to hide the facts about the most seminal, important aspect of the events of January 6, and that is the lack of security, the lack of coordination, the seemingly inappropriate level of protection for Congress that day.”

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), one of the Republican members vetoed by Pelosi, reposted such footage, along with a reminder about why he and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) weren’t allowed on the Select Committee. 

Banks was calling out Pelosi’s security failures from the start. In a “Fox News Sunday” appearance from July 2021, which we covered at the time, Banks made clear the blame was with Pelosi, noting she “has more control and authority and responsibly over the leadership of the Capitol Police than anyone else in the United States Capitol.” He also offered “she doesn’t want us to ask these questions because at the end of the day she is ultimately responsible for the breakdown of security at the Capitol that happened on January 6th.”


Had he been able to, Banks wanted to ask about the vulnerability of the Capitol on that day, as he noted how “three weeks before January 6th there were intelligence reports that the leadership of the Capitol Police were aware of.”

Banks and other House Republicans, including Jordan, also released a report in December 2022 about security failures.

.@Jim_Jordan and I were originally selected to serve on the J6 committee.

But Pelosi removed/replaced us with Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger because she knew we wouldn’t go along with her lies.

Glad the truth is finally coming out. https://t.co/NGvYScBy77— Jim Banks (@Jim_Banks) June 10, 2024

Psst…I Think the President Is Totally Senile

ok, I don’t want to shock you, but I think that our alleged President is senile. Really. Hear me out. Now look, I understand that the regime media teaches that he is a vigorous go-getter taking the lead on important issues and making America safer, more prosperous, and more equitable, but I’m concerned, folks. Maybe I’m off base, but I’m having doubts. I think the evidence is increasingly clear that he’s a senile old pervert who showered with his daughter, as well as a neo-communist serial liar whose inability to tell the truth is matched only by his grubby corruption. Other than that, he’s fine.

And I am glad he’s the Democrat nominee for President. I believe he’s going to hold onto that office with his bony claws right up through election day. And I think he has a substantial chance of losing to Donald Trump. I didn’t use to, but I’m happy to say America is waking up. Voters can’t ignore Grandpa Badfinger’s failures and foolishness any longer.

The people purportedly helping him are actually hurting him, which is great to watch. I particularly loved when he decided to tell the world that cannibals consumed Uncle Bosie. Now, let me say that again because I want to ensure you got it. The alleged President of the United States looked at the camera and told America that cannibals ate his uncle.

Cannibals did not eat his uncle.

And you would think that this bizarre lie about his uncle being an hors d’oeuvre would’ve been enough, but in the same series of incoherent sentences, he also managed to confuse Pearl Harbor with D-Day, get the day of the week wrong, and draw in Beau Biden’s death, which now occurred in action in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or wherever else it is useful for him to claim it happened. At least he left out his classic lie that the other driver in the accident that killed his first wife was drunk. This milking the death of relatives thing has become a habit.

He told this particular set of lies in the course of slandering Trump about the troops. Honest Joe was reviving that old “losers and suckers” lie that all of us veterans recognize as a lie. Joe Biden’s not a veteran. That’s because of another lie. Whatever happened to that asthma that kept our Commander-in-Crusty out of ‘Nam anyway? Was a stammer enough to get a deferment, too?

There I go, picking on him because of his stammer. Oh, and his senility, lies, corruption, and perversion, but yeah, also his stammer.

And then his handlers had him stagger into a gas station to show how Scranton Joe is a real person who knows how to interact with real people. We saw a bunch of citizens who didn’t even feel obligated to stand up in the presence of the President. That’s the kind of aura of leadership we want – local yokels shrugging at the shuffling zombie coming in for a quick photo op with the swing state rubes before heading back out to the Delaware beach house he bought with Chinese bribes. He didn’t bring Hunter with him, which is probably good because somebody might’ve accidentally got him filching coins out of the take a penny, leave a penny tray. Of course, had that happened, the regime media would not have run it. They did not run the story of Hunter’s perversion-ridden, corruption-filled laptop because that was allegedly Russian disinformation. The First Failson’s peccadillos, of course, are the fault of Putin for reasons, and shut up because you’re a transphobe.

They covered for Joe on Cannibalgate as well. Hilariously, the story about his bizarre I-tied-an-onion-to-my-belt-which-was-the-style-at-the-time ramblings was headlined “Biden is off on details of his uncle’s WWII death as he calls Trump unfit to lead the military.” Falsely claiming that your uncle goy tossed into a boiling pot and consumed by local tribesmen is not messing up some minor detail. Saying something happened in the late morning rather than the early afternoon is a minor detail. Asserting that  Dahmerriffic individuals with bones through their noses munched on Uncle Bosie is a major detail. Now, we all appreciate the service of Uncle Bosie, even though he wasn’t the super jet pilot war hero Biden pretends he was to burnish Joe’s own pathetic reputation, but cannibals didn’t eat him, and whatever glory accrues to him does not transfer to his nitwit nephew.

I’m laughing at all the Democrat politicians taking a look at all the polls which show Donald Trump ahead in the battleground states. If you recall, Trump has never been consistently ahead before. He wasn’t ahead in 2016 consistently, and he was barely ever even in any poll in 2020. But now he is, consistently, and they’ve got to be scared. They’ve got to be especially terrified because of the tendency of people to hide their support for Donald Trump. The silent Trumpers are a real threat. Now, a sane party would somehow get rid of the desiccated zombie they have nominated, but the one smart thing Joe Biden never did was take out the greatest insurance policy any politician ever had – Kamala Harris. She’s even more despised than he is, though she’s about as coherent.

Much of the talk about how he will be shuffled off stage and somebody else will be slipped in to bring in the big win is all just magical thinking. It’s Biden. They bought that ticket to ride and they’re riding it to the end of the line. 

I did something no one’s ever done with Joe Biden, which is underestimate him. I underestimated his amazing power to fail. He has failed at everything. The economy is a disaster. You can’t go to McDonald’s, order two Big Macs, a large fries, and a small Diet Coke, and walk out without paying 30 bucks. Hell, try and buy a house. America’s a foreign policy joke. Biden attacks our allies and defends our enemies. And remember that pier he was going to build to feed the terrorists in Gaza? That doesn’t appear likely to happen, not because he suddenly realized how stupid the idea was, but because the Navy ships he sent there either broke down or caught fire.

This guy is a disaster, a catastrophe, a walking, whisper-talking clusterfark, and the Democrats own him. He’s all theirs. He’s not going anywhere. They nominated him, and now they’ve got to deal with it. The bogus kangaroo court conviction that Donald Trump is facing in New York is not going to save Biden – can you imagine somebody at this point thinking, “Well, a jury of New York liberals and a judge whose daughter works for the Democrats convicted Trump of something I can’t quite explain so I’m going to accept inflation and national humiliation in order to re-elect Joe Biden?” Nope.

This guy is going down, and I don’t mean tumbling down the stairs of Air Force One, but you know that’s in the cards, too.

America No More…

After watching with over a hundred others the newly released movie, Civil War, I left the theater stunned, and I was not alone. Was it a good movie? Just a deeply unsettling one! Could it really happen? You don’t even want to imagine it! But with Biden’s assault on America continuing and Trump reemerging as the favored GOP candidate, the American division is growing. More and more citizens are getting angrier as their standard of living is in jeopardy and illegals are getting benefits citizens can only dream of. 

Spoiling the movie’s plot is never appropriate, but when Western forces from Texas, Florida, and even California take on the elected President, the country is left in a civil war. We watch as desensitized media professionals cover the death of hundreds of American citizens. To the film’s media, the war is just a once-in-a-lifetime story that deserves to be captured one picture at a time. After all, it’s the media’s job. They are just feeding citizens what they want—blood, gore, winners, and victims. What would happen if America descends into such chaos? This movie provides one disturbing view, one that, God help us, must never happen. 

One thing is clear, when a country loses trust in its leader’s ability to preserve their cherished freedoms and ensure equal treatment under the law, even insurrection seems somehow possible. That is a nightmare no American should have to entertain, but more and more Americans seem to be losing hope in the future of our country. They don’t trust elections. Many don’t even like the Presidential choices presented to them. 

The Founding Fathers valued freedom enough to unleash a revolution against the greatest power at the time. Enough citizens joined them in securing what most at the time believed impossible, independence. Yes, insurrection hatched our beloved America. Belief in equal rights and freedom are powerful forces that have always driven patriotic Americans to action. 

Even with our differences, most Americans believe in property rights, voting rights, law enforcement to keep us safe, freedom of speech, and personal responsibility. Unfortunately, more and more Americans feel these values are in question, and they are not sure America can be saved!

Many Americans no longer even believe that elections will produce a lawful winner. They don’t trust the voting machines. They want paper ballots that can be counted. They don’t believe multiple days are needed. Hasn’t one day of voting always been enough? They want required IDs and signed mail-in ballots. They fear ballot harvesting is just another name for ‘manufacturing” all the votes you need to ensure a fraudulent victory. Are American fair elections no more!

Many no longer believe that the enforcement of law is fair and sure. While former President Donald Trump has been charged with multiple “crimes,” President Joe Biden’s similar actions aren’t even charged. Hunter Biden’s influence peddling with money set aside for the “Big Guy” are not even covered in the mainstream media. The Dept. of Justice is quick to charge Trump, but with the Bidens, we hear nothing but crickets. People who commit crimes are being let go instead of being held accountable. Is American law and order no more!

Under President Trump, our border was finally more under control. Under Biden, his open border has been continually flooding our country with illegals from around the world. They come expecting benefits at the expense of taxpaying citizens. Illegals overwhelm services in our urban areas. Legal immigrants had to wait years to enter and are fuming at this invasion of illegals rushing to the front of the line and expecting to be accepted, supported, and allowed to become citizens. Is America’s secure border no more!

We thought in America, your home was your castle. If you work to buy the home of your dreams, you were sure that your property rights were secure in a community that you loved. But today, squatters are taking over vacant homes and fending off owners who want them to leave their property. Illegals are being told to come to America, find an empty home, and move in. In the name of equity, governments are rezoning the suburbs and requiring the building of low-income housing where it is not wanted. Are America’s property rights no more! 

Do you believe America is lost? Do you believe nothing can reverse this march to chaos? Do you believe that it is time to buy your own guns to protect your family when the government won’t? Is a civil war coming? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are in danger of losing the optimistic attitude that has characterized Americans for two centuries. This is our country. This is not the time for surrender. It’s time to fight to preserve America the best way you can—vote for candidates who promise to preserve the rights you value most. 

Your vote does matter. There are no perfect candidates, but the party positions make a difference in this critical election. If you want law and order, secure borders, fair elections, property rights, and a return to personal responsibility, there is only one party to support. Vote for every GOP candidate you are given the opportunity to support, or it may very well be America no more!

An Utterly Laughable Hypocrisy

Greetings, everyone, and unhappy Tax Day; today is the day we send our hard-earned dollars to a federal government that cannot balance its checkbook. We are constantly berated about paying a fair share and incessantly pummeled with rhetoric about government investments, truly an oxymoronic reference—emphasis on moron. Now, I could go on and on about the insidious hypocrisy of sending our resources to a federal government that wastes it on ideological boondoggles, but that is not the point of this missive. There will be many others who will cover this absurd situation where we find the net interest on our debt now surpasses the amount we spend on our national security and defense.

And that is what I seek to discuss in this week’s offering.

Recently, some 19 retired military Generals and Admirals, along with former top civilian defense officials, filed an Amicus (Friends of the Court) Brief with the US Supreme Court. Their brief outlines their opposition to former President Donald Trump’s plea for immunity from prosecution for actions taken during his tenure as president. Now, get this: they believe that the SCOTUS granting of such poses a significant threat to national security. The SCOTUS will hear this case on April 25th. This group is warning that there will be threats to our national security and democratic principles if former President Trump’s claims of presidential immunity for official acts were to be accepted. Now, I just had to repeat the assertion of this group because you have to understand the sheer and utterly laughable hypocrisy they present. The money quote from their 38-page brief is, “Should the theory of absolute immunity prevail, it will risk jeopardizing America’s standing as a guardian of democracy in the world and further feeding the spread of authoritarianism, thereby threatening the national security of the United States and democracies around the world.”


No, you cannot make this stuff up. Here are folks, including some who were on the original laughable hypocrisy of the 51 intelligence officials who declared Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, saying that Trump is a threat to our national security.

How about Joe Biden selling off our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to our No. 1 geopolitical foe, China? Or how about undermining our very own oil and gas industry and reversing the path of our energy independence and dominance? Now we are begging hat in hand once again to those who seek the demise of our country. And just months ago, Biden signed an order to freeze our export of liquified natural gas (LNG), which forces more of our global allies to seek that resource from another geopolitical foe, Vladimir Putin and Russia.

I ponder if they would consider this to be a threat to our national security. Or the fact that Joe Biden abandoned over $80B of US military equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan in a complete strategic, operational, and tactical debacle he praised as a success…to include the deaths of American Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors. How about the fact that Afghanistan is now, once again, a thriving base of operations for Islamic terrorist groups, namely ISIS-K, who just enacted a brutal terrorist attack in Russia? Any threat to our national and global security?

I wonder if these 19 retired Generals, Admirals, and senior civilian defense officials think opening up our borders to millions of illegal immigrants, including single military-age males, poses no threat to our national security? Heck, FBI Director Christopher Wray just testified to such not too long ago before Congress. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have lost their lives due to the chemical warfare agent fentanyl—which emanates from China. There can be no debate that it was Joe Biden and his unconstitutional 90+ executive orders that opened our border to invasion that’s a threat to our national security. I guess these delusional individuals just do not see it that way.

Biden has continued the decimation of our military readiness, capability, and capacity. Our force cannot meet recruiting and retention objectives…but hey, our Armed Forces know their proper pronouns, accept mentally disturbed gender dysphoric individuals and embrace cultural Marxism.

And authoritarianism?

What do you call it when you mandate what type of appliances, vehicles, and amount of water in toilets Americans can have? What do you call it when you weaponize the federal government agencies against your ideological opponents, like parents who want better educational opportunities, not indoctrination, of their children? What do you call it when you seek to designate said parents as “domestic terrorists,” kick in the doors of pro-life activists in the middle of the night and infiltrate the Catholic Church? But you say and do nothing when supporters of an Islamic terrorist group that killed and took Americans hostage on October 7th, 2023, take to our streets and chant “Death to America”?

I wonder if these 19 Generals, Admirals, and senior civilian defense officials agree with Joe Biden that no amendment to the US Constitution is absolute? Hey, those of you who signed onto this letter and took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, speak up, please! Or how about using the federal government in coordination with private sector tech information companies to censor the freedom of speech and expression of Americans? Is that not a threat to our democratic principles and Constitutional rights? I suppose the signatories of this Amicus Brief think it is perfectly fine to have illegals voting in our elections and count them in our census?

I think y’all reading this piece have now gotten the point. Once again, this is an utterly laughable hypocrisy that evidences the two-tiered system of justice, basically altering right and wrong in our Republic. These people who signed their names to this Amicus Brief are no friends of our Constitutional Republic, nor the TRUE American people. They are nothing more than politicized hacks, puppets, cymbal clanging monkeys who are the ones who pose a threat to the very existence of our country. They are the friends of the progressive socialist leftists and Marxists and shamefully have exposed themselves as such. Every one of them should be condemned.

But hey, I am a forgiving fella, and I will allow you, the treasonous and delusional 19, to withdraw your support for this Amicus Brief; you have 24 hours after the publishing of this piece. If you refuse to do so, then your names will go right there with Benedict Arnold, who was once a revered hero of our Revolutionary War…until his personal feelings became more important than our national interest.

Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, is the greatest threat to our national security and representative democracy. He is our biggest measure of authoritarianism. His fecklessness and weakness have brought the world to this point of global chaos and calamity. Anyone believing otherwise is in denial of facts and is aiding and abetting the assault on the foundations of our republic.

House Oversight Committee Witnesses Makes Clear: The Bidens Lied

The House Oversight Committee Hearing on “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office” from Wednesday was dominated by key moments, especially when it comes to witness Tony Bobulinski. In his opening statement, Bobulinski testified that Hunter Biden perjured himself. He also mentioned repeatedly throughout the hearing how the Bidens lied. 

It wasn’t just Hunter who perjured himself, Bobulinski said, but so did President Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, when it comes to involvement with Chinese-linked company CEFC. 

Bobulinski said he had “met with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden at the Beverly Hilton in May 2017,” which Hunter acknowledged but Jim denied took place. With passion, Bobulinski emphasized that “Hunter Biden, in his own transcribed interview, confirmed that that meeting took place,” adding “Hunter confirmed his uncle perjured himself in front of this Committee.”

“The Committee was so shocked by his perjury that they asked him the same question multiple times,” Bobulinski also shared. “Each time he denied meeting with me and Joe Biden, after the Committee showed him text messages confirming that.” Matt Margolis at our sister site of PJ Media highlighted how Bobulinski “has receipts.”

Bobulinski also noted that James Biden “lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview on February 21, and perjured himself.” The New York Post has put out an explainer of remarks made by the president’s brother and Bobulinski. 

Tony Bobulinski says Hunter Biden PERJURED himself during his deposition. pic.twitter.com/fkEGECQPeP— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Jason Galanis, another one of Hunter’s former business partners, who is serving prison time and was testifying via Zoom, also addressed such lies. 

Hunter could not address these claims in real time, as he was not there, despite how he had asked for such a public hearing. When announcing he intended to have a public hearing, not long after Hunter gave testimony, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) spoke of an interest in such a hearing because of “some contradictory statements” from other witnesses that the chairman said “I think need further review.” 

Bobulinski’s accusations about Hunter lying also came up when he was questioned by Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI). When answering as to why he thought Hunter didn’t show up despite saying he wanted a public hearing, Bobulinski offered “I don’t think he wanted to sit next to me, because obviously I’ve emphatically stated he perjured himself in his transcribed interview with the committee as did his uncle, Jim Biden. And for every fact he claims or wants to say ‘I was high on drugs’ or obfuscate, I can show a document, a text message, a recording, that has cross confirmed that he’s lying.”

He and the congresswoman agreed it was “highly disappointing” that Hunter didn’t show up. 

The Biden corruption playbook is simple.

1) Foreign oligarch needs access to the US gov
2) Hunter Biden sells that access via “the brand”
3) Foreign oligarch pays Hunter, then Hunter pays his family

Those are the FACTS. It’s pretty clear, the Biden corruption scheme runs deep. pic.twitter.com/UNVZr4ZfUJ— Representative Lisa McClain (@RepLisaMcClain) March 20, 2024

Another lie was brought up during Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) turn to ask questions, as the congresswoman reminded that Biden has continuously lied about his son’s business dealings, including as a candidate on the debate stage in 2020 when he said his family didn’t take money from China. 

“Not only was it a lie, he knew it was a lie. He knew it because he met with his son Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates,” Greene reminded, which is when she discussed CEFC with Bobulinski.

Although WhatsApp messages showed that Hunter had tried to refer to Chinese businessmen as “chairman,” Bobulinski was emphatic that that was not the case. Rather “the chairman” referred to Joe Biden. Another message did not refer to any of the Chinese businessmen as the “chairman;” it just said “the Chinese.”

Greene also tellingly pointed out that it was 2016 when Biden said he was going to run for president in 2020, and that he went on to have such shady involvement in 2017, “when everybody knew he was planning to be President of the United States.” Bobulinski responded that was indeed “a serious problem,” and expressed he wished the Committee would investigate further.

Tony Bobulinski says Hunter Biden lied to our committee. Joe Biden is the chairman. pic.twitter.com/s2P3AuOxi8— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) questioned Galanis and Bobulinski to confirm that Joe Biden indeed “participate[d] in phone conversations and meetings with Hunter Biden, his business associates, and foreign interests.”

She also confirmed from Galanis that Biden was a “certain relation” that Hunter spoke of to other business members, with Galanis and Bobulinski also both confirming they were not to bring up Joe Biden’s name in communications. 

The congresswoman reminded that during his deposition, Hunter said he did not involve his father in his business, receiving answers in the affirmative from Bobulinski that “Hunter Biden lie[d] under oath,” as well as that “Joe Biden [is] lying when he says he did not interact with Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, their business partners or foreign interests.”

Mace also brought up the same debate moment that Greene did, with Biden claiming his family did not make money from the Chinese, though Bobulinski and Galanis answered that he did. 

“Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed that he was not involved in Hunter Biden, Jim Biden or any other Biden family business deals,” Mace summarized. “Today our witnesses have proved otherwise. Today we’ve established Joe Biden lied about interacting with Hunter Biden’s business associates. It is my belief Joe Biden is the closer for Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and their business associates in foreign interests. Good luck to the left proving otherwise,” she said before yielding. 


MACE: Did Henry Zhao, a Chinese businessman, want assurances Joe Biden would join the board, Yes or no?

GALANIS: Yes, he did.

MACE: Did Hunter Biden draft an email stating ‘please also remind Henry… pic.twitter.com/vYh1LlzX8n— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) also received some telling answers from Bobulinski and Galanis. 

When questioning Bobulinski, Boebert brought up the idea of Joe Biden being the chairman, with the witness offering that Biden played “a more active role,” especially as “he acted sort of like a chairman” in that “he showed up and shook hands,” with the congresswoman interjecting to remind “he’s been called the chairman.” Bobulinski pointed out “that’s all the Chinese Ukrainians, Romanians, Russians” needed, which is not what “the Canadians, the Australians and Americans need, but in those parts of the world, that’s what they need.”

Galanis also reaffirmed to Boebert that Biden indeed lied while running for president when he said his family did not make any money from China.  

Joe Biden has leveraged his elected position to enable the Biden family, their business associates, and their shell companies to receive over $24 million dollars from China and other entities. Biden is compromised and a threat to our national security. It is far past time… pic.twitter.com/ocRkcN02x2— Rep. Lauren Boebert (@RepBoebert) March 20, 2024

Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC) also highlighted Hunter and James Biden’s lies, as he and Bobulinski fact-checked key points from each of the Biden family member’s transcribed testimony.

Hunter couldn’t even get correct when he worked for CEFC, Bobulinski explained, since he tried to “parse words” when referring to his “official” capacity. While Hunter gave the year 2017, Bobulinski offered that Hunter started working for CEFC in the fall of 2015 and worked for them throughout 2016 as well, which was confirmed by Hunter himself as well as other conversations with other former associates. 


Fry also brought up how Hunter was asked about his father never interacting with his business associates, which Bobulinski confirmed “was a lie.”

“Hunter lied to the committee about important details concerning his money demands and threats and CEFC, based on this WhatsApp message,” as Fry reminded, which Bobulinski confirmed, as well as how Joe Biden had no awareness of the business he was doing, as Hunter tried to claim. 

It wasn’t just Hunter who lied, but Jim Biden as well, which Bobulinski was particularly passionate about when discussing. In response to Jim Biden claiming in his own testimony that he had “absolutely not” remembered a meeting with Hunter, Bobulinski, and Joe Biden, Bobulinski insisted “that is a lie.” 

“I’m shocked that his lawyers sitting next to him, a former US Attorney allowed him to say that like three different times in that transcribed interview,” he added, with Fry also reminding “when pressed, [James] continued to double down on” that point.


James and Hunter Biden lied about Joe Biden’s involvement in their business.

No wonder Hunter refused to show up today. He knew he’d be called out for his lies. pic.twitter.com/4Q095E2arw— Congressman Russell Fry (@RepRussellFry) March 20, 2024

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who serves as a member of the House Judiciary Committee, which is also investigating the Bidens, was allowed to appear at the hearing and ask questions as well. 

The congressman read testimony from Hunter claiming that his business associates, including Galanis, had no expectation from him that his father would get involved in their business dealings. Hunter even claimed “there was never a single time” he could remember indicating as much.

In reaction, Galanis, in light of his explanations of what the “the Biden lift” was, during as well as before the hearing, called it “patently false” and “an untruthful statement.”

Gaetz also spoke with Galanis about how he is a living example of how “the Biden Justice Department retaliates against people who speak out against the Bidens and their crimes.” Galanis also added “there is unquestionably a pattern of two tiers of justice.”

🚨 Jason Galanis says that Hunter Biden’s deposition claims of not involving Joe Biden are “patently false.”

GAETZ (reading from Hunter Biden’s deposition):

“Do you think some of your business associates we’ve spoken about today, Mr. Archer, Mr. Bobulinski, Mr. Galanis, do you… pic.twitter.com/EO20nf6ntd— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Such moments are just some takeaways from the nearly eight hour hearing, yet as NewsBusters’ Tim Graham highlighted, the mainstream media hardly paid the hearing any mind.

Fox News notes that ABC and CBS skipped the Hunter hearing on their evening “news” shows last night. They’re not the “mainstream” media. pic.twitter.com/iXYcQbQxWG— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) March 21, 2024

As the hearing came to a close, Comer announced that he would be inviting the president himself, especially to square away the contradictions. 

The committees do not look to be done investigating the Biden crime family, though. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Comer are looking for more information as to how the CIA stonewalled an interview with Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden. Jordan has also subpoenaed Joe Biden’s ghostwriter to appear before his Committee.

Ted Cruz: ‘Joe Biden Campaigned on Dismantling the Southern Border’

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) revealed the one thing President Joe Biden delivered on regarding the promises he made while on the campaign trail.

And that is: destroying the U.S. southern border and implementing far-Left anti-American policies. 

Cruz made the comments during a podcast episode, discussing what he saw at the U.S.- Mexico border after visiting it with former President Trump earlier this week. 

Joe Biden campaigned on open borders, he campaigned on saying, I will not deport people, I will not enforce our laws. And as president, that may be the only campaign promise he has honored. If you look at what is happening, at the end of the day, you cannot defend what is happening on our border. When you look at kids in the eyes, if you have a shred of humanity, it horrifies you. And understand, why does Joe Biden not go to the border? Because he didn’t want to see them. On this trip to Brownsville, did he see a single child who was sexually abused? No. Did he see a woman who was violently raped? No. Did he see the families of the victims of those who had died of drug overdoses?”

In the last year, more than 100,000 Americans have died of drug overdoses. 70% of that has been Chinese fentanyl coming across our southern border. Did Joe Biden listen to those moms, listen to those dads, listen to parents crying over the loss of their kids? No. This was a photo op that was sanitized. Lysol was used everywhere. It was — it’s like a Potemkin village. It’s like a Hollywood set, designed to say we’re at the border. Nothing to see here. Nobody suffering, nobody being raped, nobody being assaulted, nobody dying. And it is profoundly, profoundly dishonest. 

Joe Biden campaigned on open borders and promised that he would not deport people or enforce our laws.

As President, that may be his only campaign promise that turned out to be true.https://t.co/Cshf8UZIyI pic.twitter.com/lsCm9oDvtS— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 1, 2024