Tag Archives: immigration

Our revolutionary times

Events like the destruction of the southern border over the last three years, the Oct. 7 massacre and ensuing Gaza war, the campus protests, the COVID-19 epidemic and lockdown, and the systematic efforts to weaponize our bureaucracies and courts have all led to radical reappraisals of American culture and civilization.

Since the 1960s, universities have always been hotbeds of left-wing protests, sometimes violently so.

But the post-Oct. 7 campus eruptions marked a watershed difference.

Masked left-wing protesters were unashamedly and virulently antisemitic. Students on elite campuses especially showed contempt for both middle-class police officers tasked with preventing their violence and vandalism as well as the maintenance workers who had to clean up their garbage.

Mobs took over buildings, assaulted Jewish students, called for the destruction of Israel, and defaced American monuments and commentaries.

When pressed by journalists to explain their protests, most students knew nothing of the politics or geography of Palestine, for which they were protesting.

The public concluded that the more elite the campus, the more ignorant, arrogant, and hateful the students seemed.

The Biden administration destroyed the southern border. Ten million illegal aliens swarmed into the U.S. without audit. Almost daily, news accounts detail violent acts committed by illegal aliens or their surreal demands for more free lodging and support.

Simultaneously, thousands of Middle Eastern students, invited by universities on student visas, block traffic, occupy bridges, disrupt graduations, and generally show contempt for the laws of their American hosts.icle continues below.

The net result is that Americans are reappraising their entire attitude toward immigration. Expect the border to be closed soon and immigration to become mostly meritocratic, smaller, and legal, with zero tolerance for immigrants and resident visitors who break the laws of their hosts.

Americans are also reappraising their attitudes toward time-honoured bureaucracies, the courts, and government agencies.

The public still cannot digest the truth that the once respected FBI partnered with social media to suppress news stories, to surveil parents at school board meetings, and to conduct performance art swat raids on the homes of supposed political opponents.

After the attempts of the Department of Justice to go easy on the miscreant Hunter Biden but to hound ex-president Donald Trump for supposedly removing files illegally in the same fashion as current President Joe Biden, the public lost confidence not just in Attorney General Merrick Garland but in American jur

The shenanigans of prosecutors like Fani Willis, Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg, along with overtly biased judges like Juan Merchant and Arthur Engoron, only reinforced the reality that the American legal system has descended into third-world-like tit-for-tat vendettas.

The same politicization has nearly discredited the Pentagon. Its investigations of “white” rage and white supremacy found no such organized cabals in the ranks. But these unicorn hunts likely helped cause a 45,000-recruitment shortfall among precisely the demographic that died at twice their numbers in the general population in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Add in the humiliating flight from Kabul, the abandonment of $50 billion in weapons to the Taliban terrorists, the recent embarrassment of the failed Gaza pier, and the litany of political invective from retired generals and admirals. The result is that the armed forces have an enormous task to restore public faith.

They will have to return to meritocracy and emphasize battle efficacy, enforce the uniform code of military justice, and start either winning wars or avoiding those that cannot be won.

Finally, we are witnessing a radical inversion in our two political parties. The old populist Democratic Party that championed lunch-bucket workers has turned into a shrill union of the very rich and subsidized poor. Its support of open borders, illegal immigration, the war on fossil fuels, transgenderism, critical legal and race theories, and the woke agenda are causing the party to lose support.

The Republican Party is likewise rebranding itself from a once-stereotyped brand of aristocratic and corporate grandees to one anchored in the middle class.

Even more radically, the new populist Republicans are beginning to appeal to voters on shared class and cultural concerns rather than on racial and tribal interests.

The results of all these revolutions will shake up the U.S. for decades to come.

Soon we may see a Georgia Tech or Purdue degree as far better proof of an educated and civic-minded citizen than a Harvard or Stanford brand.

We will likely jettison the failed salad bowl approach to immigration and return to the melting pot as immigration becomes exclusively legal, meritocratic, and manageable.

To avoid further loss of public confidence, institutions like the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon, and the DOJ will have to re-earn rather than just assume the public’s confidence.

And we may soon accept the reality that Democrats reflect the values of Silicon Valley plutocrats, university presidents, and blue-city mayors, while Republicans become the home of an ecumenical black, Hispanic, Asian, and white middle

The Middle Class Built America. They Now Take a Backseat to Illegal Immigrants.

Over the past few years, many middle-class Americans have come to feel as if the rights of law-abiding citizens have taken a back seat to the rights and comfort of illegal aliens. 

These Americans go to work, raise their families, follow the law, and pay their taxes, only to see those who do not work, pay taxes, or follow the law prioritized by our state and federal governments for many valuable benefits and services. And more illegals cross our southern border every day. As of December 2023, the number of daily arrivals topped 10,000. 

There are several examples of the prioritization of illegal immigrants over American citizens for valuable benefits that citizens pay for with taxes.

First, whether you live in a “sanctuary city” or not, your tax dollars are going to fund the education of illegal immigrants. In 1982 the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Plyler v. Doe that illegal immigrants couldn’t be excluded from public schools. The U.S. Department of Education has taken this to unprecedented heights under the Biden Administration by creating The Office of Migrant Education. Many states have opened similar offices. The sole purpose of these offices is to expend an increasing amount of American taxpayer money to ensure that illegal immigrants are properly educated. 

As is so often the case, legal doesn’t necessarily equal right, and these policies take resources from the education of citizens. In the fall of 2021, just as the human tidal wave was gathering momentum, 10.6% of all students in the U.S. were “English learners,” requiring education resources just to become competent in English. Imagine what that percentage is today. 

We are starting to see examples of our schools being overrun. This past January, James Madison High School in Brooklyn even shut down for a day and did not permit its students to attend so that it could be used as a staging ground for the welcoming of illegal immigrants. Where does it end?

Second, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released a plan to put USDA GusNIP grants toward “produce prescriptions” for illegal immigrants. A “produce prescription” is a taxpayer funded monthly dollar amount given to an illegal immigrant to purchase top of the line fruits and vegetables. With food costs, particularly fresh food costs, this benefit would be welcome to many American citizens who are trying to make ends meet. Too bad. 

Third, the state of Michigan recently announced a “newcomer rental subsidy.”  The Newcomer Rental Subsidy Program provides refugees and other newcomer population-eligible households with rental assistance up to $500 per month for up to 12 months, with eligibility based on immigration status and household income. This program specifically excludes American citizens. Not only is it likely illegal, but it is disheartening for struggling citizens. Detroit has a poverty rate of 33.8%. Flint’s poverty rate is 39.6%. A government that prioritizes housing illegal immigrants over providing additional assistance to its own hardworking citizens has lost its way.  

Finally, New York City recently announced a program to give free debit cards worth $350 per week to illegal immigrant families. Of course, there are plenty of families of legal residents throughout New York City that could use an extra $1,400 per month tax free to purchase groceries. They are not eligible. The only qualification for this program is that you must be an illegal immigrant. Law-abiding New York City residents need not apply. This is a slap in the face to the many New Yorkers who are struggling. 

The American middle class has been betrayed by the American political class. And it’s hardly surprising. The same people who have waived United States sovereignty to flood the nation with illegals are only too happy to take from hardworking citizens to maintain the millions they let in. 

The political class does not care about you. They don’t care about the people who donate to their local churches, run toy drives, food drives, and who don’t think twice to help any family in need. The people who spend time cleaning up their block and take pride in their neighborhood. To the cashiers, Soldiers, waitresses, nurses, school bus drivers, police officers, firefighters, teachers, these elitists are clear – they don’t care about you. They don’t care about your family. They don’t care about how hard you work to provide for them. They are not trying to hide it. 

The American middle class built this country. They deserve the support of the government they have elected. 

More Than 100 Illegal Aliens Cut Through Wire Installed by National Guard to Enter the U.S.

A group of about 100 illegal aliens cut through a wire barrier installed by Texas National Guard and crossed the border into the states on Friday. 

The concertina wire was installed by the Texas National Guard, according to KFOX 14, and runs along the Rio Grande River. The area where the illegal immigrants crossed in near a high school in southern Texas. 

After the group cut the wire, it caused a chain-link fence to collapse, Border Patrol told the outlet. Reportedly, all the individuals who were a part of the ordeal were taken into custody and processed. They are expected to be placed into removal proceedings. 

NBC 15 News reported that the arrested were adult males and females from Venezuela, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador.

“Individuals and families who attempt to enter the United States without authorization, and who are unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the United States, will be removed and are subject to a minimum five-year bar on reentry as well as potential criminal prosecution for migrants with a criminal history,” a statement Border Patrol provided to the outlet read.

Late last month, over 100 illegal immigrants attempted to enter the United States illegally by rushing a border wall and breaking through razor wire, according to the New York Post:

A group of men with hoodies, gloves and winter jackets could be seen pulling fencing away and dashing through the concertina wire, as a group of five guards stood in a defensive formation to fill the gap.

The guardsmen firmly held their rifles and stood their ground in front of the migrants, who heavily outnumbered them.


In the video, some figures raise their hands in surrender, but seconds later, others scramble through, with some coming through the guards’ legs and knocking them out of the way.

The group then scrambled to the border gate and started to shout at guardsmen on the other side.

Tyson Foods Fires U.S. Workers, Exploits Illegal Aliens for Profits

A major U.S. food corporation is retreating to one of the ugliest anti-borders tropes in the book to justify replacing American workers with foreign nationals. 

Tyson Foods, Inc., a multinational corporation based in the U.S, recently shuttered a pork processing factory in Iowa, leading to the loss of 1,200 American jobs. Shortly after, Tyson announced plans to hire tens of thousands of illegal aliens. The food giant already employs roughly 42,000 foreign nationals, and a Tyson human resources rep stated earlier this month that “We would like to employ another 42,000 if we could find them,” and they are trying hard to find them. Tyson has been offering $16.50 per hour wages and free access to immigration lawyers to foreign nationals who have resettled in New York. The company’s explanation for its desire to hire tens of thousands of illegal aliens is that they are “very, very loyal” workers, according to the same human resources rep. 

Another term for “loyal” in this case might be “exploitable.” While American workers are likely to demand good pay and decent working conditions, migrant workers are likely to be much more desperate and much less demanding. This allows major corporations to take advantage of migrants at the expense of American jobs and treasure. Tyson is far from the only or the worst offender when it comes to this, but they are the latest example of how the U.S. asylum system is being abused as a labor-importation system. 

The New York Times published an extensive report last year on the exploitation of migrant children, writing: “In town after town, children scrub dishes late at night. They run milking machines in Vermont and deliver meals in New York City. They harvest coffee and build lava rock walls around vacation homes in Hawaii. Girls as young as 13 wash hotel sheets in Virginia.” 

To be clear, there is no evidence that Tyson is flouting child labor laws, but they are certainly profiting off the U.S. immigration system at the expense of American workers. They are also denigrating the country which has allowed them to attain so much success, by implying that foreign workers are more loyal and harder-working than American workers. The trope that foreign nationals have a stronger work ethic and are willing to do jobs Americans won’t do is a foundational myth of the anti-borders movement. 

In 2019, a Koch Foods’ plant in Mississippi, employing hundreds of illegal aliens, was raided by federal immigration authorities. Days later, roughly 150 local residents attended a job fair seeking employment at the company, laying waste to the pernicious lazy American trope. In reality, there are no jobs corporations can’t find Americans to do if they’re willing to give them a living wage and decent working conditions. 

The notion that there are demanding jobs that Americans aren’t willing to do is not based in reality, but a convenient excuse for corporations to continue to import cheap foreign labor at the expense of Americans. Speaking of loyalty, where is the loyalty from Tyson Foods’ executives towards the country that has allowed them to thrive?

The same suits at Tyson Foods who have lived the American dream are now publicly denigrating the work ethic of Americans trying to live out theirs. It should be no surprise that Tyson’s conduct has led to an intense backlash, including a campaign to boycott the company. Earlier this month, a multimillion-dollar fund manager announced that he was pulling all investments from Tyson Foods. Naturally, the company has retreated into damage control, releasing a statement saying they are “strongly opposed to illegal immigration” and have “led the way in participating in the two major government programs to help employers combat unlawful employment, E-Verify and the Mutual Agreement between Government and Employers (IMAGE) program.”

As always, it’s important to watch what these companies do, not what they say. Tyson recently held a job fair for illegal aliens in New York City, and has partnered with a pro-refugee nonprofit to hire thousands of foreign-born workers. By firing Americans and hiring foreign nationals in rapid succession, Tyson is showing exactly where its loyalty lies, and it’s not with the citizens of the country they were founded and continue to operate in. 


The Tyson Foods saga is the latest example of how American workers continue to be victimized by mass immigration. Both the government and corporations have a responsibility to put Americans first, but unfortunately, continue to put them last.

Biden’s Border Blowup

Some 8 to 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world, as expected, have flooded across the border since President Joe Biden took office.

A demagogic candidate Biden, remember, in 2019 invited those massing at the southern border to “surge” into the United States without specifying that they first needed legal sanction: “We immediately surge to the border all those seeking asylum.”

In contrast, we know legal immigration is America’s great strength, but it has always depended on a few key prerequisites.

Immigration must be legal and measured.

Why? Because only the host nation can adjudicate how many immigrants it can successfully accept and assimilate. It has no desire to encourage Balkanized tribalism so common in nations abroad torn apart by ethnic conflict.

America must have some knowledge of the background of immigrants, especially whether they have criminal records, belong to gangs, are importing drugs, carry infectious diseases, or can be self-supporting.

By contrast, if the first thing immigrants do is illegally cross the American border, and the second is to reside illegally in America, and the third is to obtain fraudulent identification to mask that illegality, then they will establish long patterns of illegal behavior and disrespect for their hosts.

In addition, immigration should be diverse so that large ethnic groups do not form permanent tribal sects in the fashion of the Balkans, the Middle East, or Latin America.

Ideally, the host should prefer immigrants who have some knowledge of the language and customs of the United States. And they should have some ability to be self-supporting so as not to burden American taxpayers or overtax and deprive social services from poorer U.S. citizens.

As for the host?

America must be confident enough in and knowledgeable enough about its values, customs, and traditions to demand immigrants integrate rapidly into the body politic of the United States.

Both the host and immigrants must agree on the basic facts of immigration.

Immigrants, not the host, have chosen to leave their native land to risk a new life and identity in America.

Therefore, the relationship is, by nature, asymmetrical. The host has a perfect right, indeed a responsibility, to impose its own values upon newcomers — not vice versa.

Otherwise, if immigrants do not absorb their newly adopted culture, why would they have left and, in some sense, rejected their homeland in the first place?

To replicate in the United States the very conditions and environment that they so eagerly fled from back home?

So the host must remind immigrants that they chose a completely different paradigm from their native country. And therefore, they must be helped to embrace an entirely new national identity.

Unfortunately, in the last four years, the Biden administration has violated every historical canon critical to ensuring legal immigration enriches the United States.

They have encouraged 8-10 million of the world’s poorest to flood the border and to enter and reside in America without legal sanction.

Most have no prior experience with American traditions, and few speak English.

Host Americans have no idea whether hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of the millions entering illegally have committed crimes in their native countries, or have any record of employment, or are sick, or are here to foment gangs and to import lethal, foreign-made drugs that kill some 100,000 Americans a year.

Worse, we, the hosts, no longer believe in the melting pot that once made America the world’s only successful multiracial democracy, united by the laws of the Constitution and the unique values that emanate from it.

The combination of mass illegal immigration, without audit, into a country beset with $35 trillion in national debt, an existing 50 million residents not born in the United States, and without confidence in rapid assimilation certainly explains the disaster of illegal immigration that now manifests daily.

Biden may think nullifying federal immigration law is a smart political trick that, in the past, may have flipped southwestern states from red to blue or warped the census to give blue states more congressional districts.

Or he may assume that with 70 percent of the electorate now voting through poorly audited mail-in balloting, there is no real way to prevent foreign nationals from voting for those who neutered the law to let them in.

But in truth, Biden is unfortunately undermining support for all immigration, legal or otherwise. He is guaranteeing that more imported drugs and gang members will kill more Americans.

Ironically, Biden is also alienating from the Democratic Party its once loyal Black and Latino voters. They, not the party elite, must deal concretely with the consequences of Biden’s callous and cynical, ideologically driven policies.

Perhaps the Left will only cease destroying immigration law when it realizes that for each illegal alien it invites in, it will lose one or more once loyal Democratic voters.

American Paralysis and Decline

“We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.”

So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C.-17 A.D.) of the long decline of Roman national character that, in his age, finally ended the Roman Republic.

Like a patient whose medicine proves worse than the disease, Livy lamented that the Romans knew that they had become corrupt and lawless.

But the very contemplation of the hard medicine needed for restoration — and the furious reaction that would meet the remedy — made it impossible to save the patient.

America is nearing such an impasse.

We know that no state can long exist after opening its borders to over 7 million illegal aliens, requiring neither background checks nor legality.

The recent murder of a Georgia female jogger by an illegal alien and the savage beating of New York policemen by similar others hardly merit media attention.

Everyone knows that neither new appropriations nor new laws are needed to secure the border as it was in 2020.

Instead, we could just stop suicidal catch-and-release, deport lawbreakers, privilege the legal over the illegal immigrant, demand would-be refugees apply for asylum first in their native countries, finish the border wall, and pressure Mexico to stop undermining the territorial integrity of its northern neighbor.

But then we shrug, “We can’t do that” — paralyzed in fear of being smeared as “xenophobic,” “nativist,” or “racist.”

So this generation apparently feels that it can endure the collateral damage of daily assaults on American citizens, the near bankruptcy of our cities, and 100,000 fentanyl deaths per year — but certainly not the idea that it is somehow not politically correct or compassionate.

The same is true of the $35 trillion debt, now costing more than $1 trillion a year in interest payments — and growing. We all know it is unsustainable. Americans understand it will eventually lead either to destructive hyperinflation, suicidal renunciation of federal debt, or confiscation of private savings.

Yet we ignore the reckless spending and keep borrowing well over $1 trillion a year. Apparently, our generation prefers being praised as “virtuous” and “caring.” So it leaves the next generation to be smeared as “cruel” and “unfair” when it is forced to cut federal entitlements and bloated government or face civilizational collapse.

The crime epidemic is also similar. Everyone accepts that no society can long endure quasi-legalized shoplifting or green-lighting smash-and-grabbers and carjackers to be released without bail.

But we assume that such a civilizational implosion will never reach our own sanctuary neighborhoods or safe places of work — at least not yet.

We also know that restoring deterrence by arresting, convicting, and jailing repeat felons will return safety to our streets.

But again, we fear even more that advocating “law and order” will earn slanders like “racist” or “reactionary.”

Ditto the homeless. In an age of self-congratulation and hyper-environmentalism, we know that a million homeless defecating, urinating, injecting, and assaulting on our downtown sidewalks and storefronts is medieval.


We know that it is illegal to camp out on the street and publicly harass citizens or relieve oneself in public.

And we know the cure lies in building and staffing more mental institutions and providing areas far from public spaces where the homeless can find shelter, sanitation, and medical care.

But the very idea of removing anyone from his accustomed sidewalk spot, or the notion of the use of force to transport the mentally ill to proper and humane facilities, terrifies us.

So we walk around, step over, and ignore those on the street.

Is the assumption that the odds of being assaulted or sickened acceptable? Or do we just not wish to learn where the flotsam, jetsam, and human offal of the street end up?

Most accept that had former President Donald Trump just not run for president in 2024 or was a man of the left, he would not now be facing four different felony court cases.

Most accept that three of the four prosecutors have either in advance promised to get Trump or have proved grossly unethical.

Most know it is wrong to try to remove a leading presidential candidate from state ballots.

Yet many shrug that this new weaponization of America’s legal system is the flamboyant Trump’s own problem, not their own. So they ignore the third worldization of our political system, which they quietly acknowledge is otherwise leading us to a Venezuela-like mess.

The paralysis of American society extends to our foreign policy as well. We deplore the terrorism of Iran and its thuggish surrogates. But we fear more the nasty, costly business of stopping its aggression.

Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes.

Most often, they know what is destroying them. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate.

So they implode gradually, then suddenly.

Ted Cruz: ‘Joe Biden Campaigned on Dismantling the Southern Border’

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) revealed the one thing President Joe Biden delivered on regarding the promises he made while on the campaign trail.

And that is: destroying the U.S. southern border and implementing far-Left anti-American policies. 

Cruz made the comments during a podcast episode, discussing what he saw at the U.S.- Mexico border after visiting it with former President Trump earlier this week. 

Joe Biden campaigned on open borders, he campaigned on saying, I will not deport people, I will not enforce our laws. And as president, that may be the only campaign promise he has honored. If you look at what is happening, at the end of the day, you cannot defend what is happening on our border. When you look at kids in the eyes, if you have a shred of humanity, it horrifies you. And understand, why does Joe Biden not go to the border? Because he didn’t want to see them. On this trip to Brownsville, did he see a single child who was sexually abused? No. Did he see a woman who was violently raped? No. Did he see the families of the victims of those who had died of drug overdoses?”

In the last year, more than 100,000 Americans have died of drug overdoses. 70% of that has been Chinese fentanyl coming across our southern border. Did Joe Biden listen to those moms, listen to those dads, listen to parents crying over the loss of their kids? No. This was a photo op that was sanitized. Lysol was used everywhere. It was — it’s like a Potemkin village. It’s like a Hollywood set, designed to say we’re at the border. Nothing to see here. Nobody suffering, nobody being raped, nobody being assaulted, nobody dying. And it is profoundly, profoundly dishonest. 

Joe Biden campaigned on open borders and promised that he would not deport people or enforce our laws.

As President, that may be his only campaign promise that turned out to be true.https://t.co/Cshf8UZIyI pic.twitter.com/lsCm9oDvtS— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 1, 2024

Abbott Announces Plans to Build a Military Base Near Eagle Pass

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced plans to build a military base camp near El Paso, Texas, while responding to President Joe Biden’s ongoing immigration crisis.

The military base will house National Guard troops tasked with the sole responsibility of keeping the southern border secure and free from illegal migrants crossing into the U.S.

Abbott said on Friday that the camp will be built on 80 acres of land in Eagle Pass and hold up to 1,800 Texas National Guard members. It will also have room to house an additional 500 members in an effort to keep the border’s security on lockdown.

“This will increase the ability for a larger number of Texas Military Department soldiers in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and efficiently,” Abbott said during a press conference.

The governor said the first 300 beds should be ready by April, promising not to reduce Texas resources on the border any time soon.

Announcing today the construction of the Forward Operating Base in Eagle Pass.

This new base camp will help improve conditions for 1,800+ @TxMilitary soldiers deployed to protect Texans from the chaos at our southern border. #OperationLoneStar

More: https://t.co/Ts5QpXnYwm pic.twitter.com/RStn74gNrJ
— Gov. Greg Abbott (@GovAbbott) February 16, 2024

“It’s going to consolidate our forces, as opposed to being scattered around many different places across this region. They will be operating out of one place. It will amass a large army in a very strategic area,” Abbott continued, adding that he plans to keep Operation Loan Star in effect for the foreseeable future.

As the Biden Administration continues to ignore the crisis at the southern border blatantly, Abbott has taken it upon himself to keep Texas citizens safe from the president’s reckless policies.

He has installed miles of razor wire along areas of the border and shipped illegal migrants to Democrat “sanctuary cities” to bring awareness to the devastating issue plaguing the country.

Major General Thomas Suelzer also told reporters that Texas plans to expand operations north and south of Eagle Pass by adding three more fan boats and expanding the state’s drone program radar truck capabilities.

“This will organize substantial forces to expand the razor wire barriers that are going up. We have seen the effectiveness of the razor wire in Shelby Park, where crossings have gone from 3,000 to 5,000 a day to less than 1%,” Abbott said.

“Texas would not be able to respond to President Biden’s border crisis without the brave men and women of the Texas National Guard, and it is essential to build this base camp for them,” the Republican said.

Per the Epoch Times, the Texas military base camp will include:

A 700-seat dining facility.
A recreation center.
Laundry facilities.
WiFi access.
Individual rooms for soldiers.
Chaplaincy programs.
Medical and psychological health facilities.

The Absurd Democrat Border Con

In 2021, President Joe Biden opened an inherited, secure southern border that finally stopped mass illegal immigration.

When he overturned former President Donald Trump’s efforts, a planned flood of over 8 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S.

Almost all arrived without background checks, health screening, or vaccination certificates — but with massive needs for free housing, education, healthcare, and food entitlements and subsidies.

For four years, Trump battled the courts, his Democratic opposition, and the open-border establishments within his own party to ensure legal-only immigration. Somehow, he rebuilt some of the old porous border fence. He had begun to build his long-promised new wall to the Gulf of Mexico. He had ended Obama-era catch-and-release.

Would-be refugees had to apply for asylum in their home country. Trump leveraged Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to police his own border and stop cynically transiting millions of illegal aliens into the U.S.

There was general Democratic Party opposition to all of Trump’s measures through Congress and the courts.

For the last three years of Biden’s mass influx, the left has applauded open borders. That is, until late last year, when overwhelmed southern border state governors began busing and flying illegal immigrants en masse to northern sanctuary-city jurisdictions.

For years, these sanctuary zones had preened their liberality about open borders. They smeared as “racists” and “xenophobes” any who insisted on legal-only immigration.

But now they were subject to the real-life ramifications of their own destructive ideologies.

Major blue-state cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., became outraged that they were inundated with tens of thousands of immigrants, all without legality, veritable identification, or background checks.

Some proved violent. Others crowded out scarce resources essential to millions of inner-city poor.

The liberal architects of illegal immigration are usually rich and powerful enough to be insulated from the consequences of their utopian policies.

But not so their poor or minority constituents. They deal first-hand with spiking crime, appropriation of their parks and civic centers, and restricted access to now overwhelmed social services.

So the once open-border Democrat Party and Biden are in a quandary. They now fear mass defections of core Latino and Black voters in an election year.

But how can they square the circle of insisting on open borders with the need to appear to their own voters as determined to close them?

We saw the absurd answer this week. Shameless Democrats tried to enlist naive and foolish Republicans to bail them out with a “comprehensive immigration bill.”

It was really designed to keep the border open while spending billions of dollars to facilitate more rapid and orderly transits — and more substantial welfare support for millions of illegals here and still to come.

Now Democrats, in lunatic fashion, claim that anyone who did not sign on to codify and regulate illegal immigration was responsible for their own deliberate open border policies in the first place

To add insult to injury, they next sought to piggyback their toxic immigration bill onto massive aid for Israel and Ukraine. It was a transparent effort to blame any Republicans for harming Israel and aiding Putin, should they not sign on to a more efficient open border.

The real agenda of the bill’s supporters is absolutely no return to Trump’s legal-only immigration and a secure border.

That simple solution requires no new legislation and almost no new spending. But it does imply acknowledgment that the hated Trump had solved the problem executively — and that admission is apparently taboo.

Finally, public outrage from the left and conservative anger at foolish and naive Republican enablers stopped the bill.

Still, it remains somewhat unclear why Biden and his Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, destroyed what Trump had achieved. Why would they ensure such misery for both American hosts and millions of illegal immigrants?

Did they want new long-term constituents, given that their neo-socialist agendas cannot win over a majority of current Americans?

Is importing millions of the poorest and most in need on the planet a way to ensure a still larger Great Society of entitlements and, with it, higher taxes on the “filthy rich?”

Do they assume that America’s increasingly non-Election-Day balloting ensures far less authentication and rejection of mail-in ballots, and thus it will be relatively easy for non-citizens to vote?

Many, left and right, make no effort to hide their desire for cheap imported labor — even though the current labor participation rate is only 62 percent of the potential American workforce.

Finally, one might expect this artifice from the left that is wedded to open borders.

But why some establishment Republicans aided and abetted these disingenuous efforts is yet another reminder why the doctrinaire Republican Party had to be reinvented by Trump.

Actually the One Calling the Shots On the Border

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) suggests that President Joe Biden is not the voice behind the nation’s ongoing border crisis. 

This week, Johnson cast his doubts that Biden is not the one calling the shots on the administration’s immigration policy, which is devastating the United States. 

“He knows that he has the authority. We’ve documented it for him,” Johnson said during an interview with Fox Business. “I’ve read to him the law myself — to the president. Read him the provisions of the law and said, ‘Mr. President, please take action.’ I don’t think he’s allowed to do it.”

Johnson suggested that the president’s staff is making the decision for him, adding that he thinks they are pushing him to keep the border open. 

The Speaker also said that Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ actions of dismantling the Trump Administration’s border policy on the first day of the 81-year-old is in office suggest the border crisis “is by design.”

“Biden went in on the first day of office and began issuing executive orders to … create this catastrophe. Maria, we say it’s ‘by design’ because there is no other explanation,” Johnson said. “We documented 64 executive actions, agency actions, that he and Mayorkas have taken to create this. They could unwind it today by the stroke of a pen.”

The U.S.-Mexico border has seen record amounts of illegal crossings. The fiscal year 2023 alone saw a massive number of illegal aliens storm the southern border, with a record of 3.2 million migrants encountered. This number does not include “gotaways” or those who have avoided detection. Since Biden took office, more than 8 million illegal aliens have entered the United States. 

Johnson and Biden have been neck and neck with one another as the president continues to ask Congress to pass a bipartisan bill addressing the country’s illegal immigration issue. At the same time, Republicans are demanding Biden to do more to stem the record-breaking flow of illegal aliens from entering the U.S. 

A border deal has been in the works for several weeks now. The Democrat-controlled Senate is working on a deal that would include additional aid for Ukraine and Israel, with border security reforms. However, Johnson has already said the deal would be “dead on arrival” in the GOP-led House.