Tag Archives: hunter-biden

House Oversight Committee Witnesses Makes Clear: The Bidens Lied

The House Oversight Committee Hearing on “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office” from Wednesday was dominated by key moments, especially when it comes to witness Tony Bobulinski. In his opening statement, Bobulinski testified that Hunter Biden perjured himself. He also mentioned repeatedly throughout the hearing how the Bidens lied. 

It wasn’t just Hunter who perjured himself, Bobulinski said, but so did President Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, when it comes to involvement with Chinese-linked company CEFC. 

Bobulinski said he had “met with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden at the Beverly Hilton in May 2017,” which Hunter acknowledged but Jim denied took place. With passion, Bobulinski emphasized that “Hunter Biden, in his own transcribed interview, confirmed that that meeting took place,” adding “Hunter confirmed his uncle perjured himself in front of this Committee.”

“The Committee was so shocked by his perjury that they asked him the same question multiple times,” Bobulinski also shared. “Each time he denied meeting with me and Joe Biden, after the Committee showed him text messages confirming that.” Matt Margolis at our sister site of PJ Media highlighted how Bobulinski “has receipts.”

Bobulinski also noted that James Biden “lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview on February 21, and perjured himself.” The New York Post has put out an explainer of remarks made by the president’s brother and Bobulinski. 

Tony Bobulinski says Hunter Biden PERJURED himself during his deposition. pic.twitter.com/fkEGECQPeP— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Jason Galanis, another one of Hunter’s former business partners, who is serving prison time and was testifying via Zoom, also addressed such lies. 

Hunter could not address these claims in real time, as he was not there, despite how he had asked for such a public hearing. When announcing he intended to have a public hearing, not long after Hunter gave testimony, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) spoke of an interest in such a hearing because of “some contradictory statements” from other witnesses that the chairman said “I think need further review.” 

Bobulinski’s accusations about Hunter lying also came up when he was questioned by Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI). When answering as to why he thought Hunter didn’t show up despite saying he wanted a public hearing, Bobulinski offered “I don’t think he wanted to sit next to me, because obviously I’ve emphatically stated he perjured himself in his transcribed interview with the committee as did his uncle, Jim Biden. And for every fact he claims or wants to say ‘I was high on drugs’ or obfuscate, I can show a document, a text message, a recording, that has cross confirmed that he’s lying.”

He and the congresswoman agreed it was “highly disappointing” that Hunter didn’t show up. 

The Biden corruption playbook is simple.

1) Foreign oligarch needs access to the US gov
2) Hunter Biden sells that access via “the brand”
3) Foreign oligarch pays Hunter, then Hunter pays his family

Those are the FACTS. It’s pretty clear, the Biden corruption scheme runs deep. pic.twitter.com/UNVZr4ZfUJ— Representative Lisa McClain (@RepLisaMcClain) March 20, 2024

Another lie was brought up during Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) turn to ask questions, as the congresswoman reminded that Biden has continuously lied about his son’s business dealings, including as a candidate on the debate stage in 2020 when he said his family didn’t take money from China. 

“Not only was it a lie, he knew it was a lie. He knew it because he met with his son Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates,” Greene reminded, which is when she discussed CEFC with Bobulinski.

Although WhatsApp messages showed that Hunter had tried to refer to Chinese businessmen as “chairman,” Bobulinski was emphatic that that was not the case. Rather “the chairman” referred to Joe Biden. Another message did not refer to any of the Chinese businessmen as the “chairman;” it just said “the Chinese.”

Greene also tellingly pointed out that it was 2016 when Biden said he was going to run for president in 2020, and that he went on to have such shady involvement in 2017, “when everybody knew he was planning to be President of the United States.” Bobulinski responded that was indeed “a serious problem,” and expressed he wished the Committee would investigate further.

Tony Bobulinski says Hunter Biden lied to our committee. Joe Biden is the chairman. pic.twitter.com/s2P3AuOxi8— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) questioned Galanis and Bobulinski to confirm that Joe Biden indeed “participate[d] in phone conversations and meetings with Hunter Biden, his business associates, and foreign interests.”

She also confirmed from Galanis that Biden was a “certain relation” that Hunter spoke of to other business members, with Galanis and Bobulinski also both confirming they were not to bring up Joe Biden’s name in communications. 

The congresswoman reminded that during his deposition, Hunter said he did not involve his father in his business, receiving answers in the affirmative from Bobulinski that “Hunter Biden lie[d] under oath,” as well as that “Joe Biden [is] lying when he says he did not interact with Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, their business partners or foreign interests.”

Mace also brought up the same debate moment that Greene did, with Biden claiming his family did not make money from the Chinese, though Bobulinski and Galanis answered that he did. 

“Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed that he was not involved in Hunter Biden, Jim Biden or any other Biden family business deals,” Mace summarized. “Today our witnesses have proved otherwise. Today we’ve established Joe Biden lied about interacting with Hunter Biden’s business associates. It is my belief Joe Biden is the closer for Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and their business associates in foreign interests. Good luck to the left proving otherwise,” she said before yielding. 


MACE: Did Henry Zhao, a Chinese businessman, want assurances Joe Biden would join the board, Yes or no?

GALANIS: Yes, he did.

MACE: Did Hunter Biden draft an email stating ‘please also remind Henry… pic.twitter.com/vYh1LlzX8n— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) also received some telling answers from Bobulinski and Galanis. 

When questioning Bobulinski, Boebert brought up the idea of Joe Biden being the chairman, with the witness offering that Biden played “a more active role,” especially as “he acted sort of like a chairman” in that “he showed up and shook hands,” with the congresswoman interjecting to remind “he’s been called the chairman.” Bobulinski pointed out “that’s all the Chinese Ukrainians, Romanians, Russians” needed, which is not what “the Canadians, the Australians and Americans need, but in those parts of the world, that’s what they need.”

Galanis also reaffirmed to Boebert that Biden indeed lied while running for president when he said his family did not make any money from China.  

Joe Biden has leveraged his elected position to enable the Biden family, their business associates, and their shell companies to receive over $24 million dollars from China and other entities. Biden is compromised and a threat to our national security. It is far past time… pic.twitter.com/ocRkcN02x2— Rep. Lauren Boebert (@RepBoebert) March 20, 2024

Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC) also highlighted Hunter and James Biden’s lies, as he and Bobulinski fact-checked key points from each of the Biden family member’s transcribed testimony.

Hunter couldn’t even get correct when he worked for CEFC, Bobulinski explained, since he tried to “parse words” when referring to his “official” capacity. While Hunter gave the year 2017, Bobulinski offered that Hunter started working for CEFC in the fall of 2015 and worked for them throughout 2016 as well, which was confirmed by Hunter himself as well as other conversations with other former associates. 


Fry also brought up how Hunter was asked about his father never interacting with his business associates, which Bobulinski confirmed “was a lie.”

“Hunter lied to the committee about important details concerning his money demands and threats and CEFC, based on this WhatsApp message,” as Fry reminded, which Bobulinski confirmed, as well as how Joe Biden had no awareness of the business he was doing, as Hunter tried to claim. 

It wasn’t just Hunter who lied, but Jim Biden as well, which Bobulinski was particularly passionate about when discussing. In response to Jim Biden claiming in his own testimony that he had “absolutely not” remembered a meeting with Hunter, Bobulinski, and Joe Biden, Bobulinski insisted “that is a lie.” 

“I’m shocked that his lawyers sitting next to him, a former US Attorney allowed him to say that like three different times in that transcribed interview,” he added, with Fry also reminding “when pressed, [James] continued to double down on” that point.


James and Hunter Biden lied about Joe Biden’s involvement in their business.

No wonder Hunter refused to show up today. He knew he’d be called out for his lies. pic.twitter.com/4Q095E2arw— Congressman Russell Fry (@RepRussellFry) March 20, 2024

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who serves as a member of the House Judiciary Committee, which is also investigating the Bidens, was allowed to appear at the hearing and ask questions as well. 

The congressman read testimony from Hunter claiming that his business associates, including Galanis, had no expectation from him that his father would get involved in their business dealings. Hunter even claimed “there was never a single time” he could remember indicating as much.

In reaction, Galanis, in light of his explanations of what the “the Biden lift” was, during as well as before the hearing, called it “patently false” and “an untruthful statement.”

Gaetz also spoke with Galanis about how he is a living example of how “the Biden Justice Department retaliates against people who speak out against the Bidens and their crimes.” Galanis also added “there is unquestionably a pattern of two tiers of justice.”

🚨 Jason Galanis says that Hunter Biden’s deposition claims of not involving Joe Biden are “patently false.”

GAETZ (reading from Hunter Biden’s deposition):

“Do you think some of your business associates we’ve spoken about today, Mr. Archer, Mr. Bobulinski, Mr. Galanis, do you… pic.twitter.com/EO20nf6ntd— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

Such moments are just some takeaways from the nearly eight hour hearing, yet as NewsBusters’ Tim Graham highlighted, the mainstream media hardly paid the hearing any mind.

Fox News notes that ABC and CBS skipped the Hunter hearing on their evening “news” shows last night. They’re not the “mainstream” media. pic.twitter.com/iXYcQbQxWG— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) March 21, 2024

As the hearing came to a close, Comer announced that he would be inviting the president himself, especially to square away the contradictions. 

The committees do not look to be done investigating the Biden crime family, though. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Comer are looking for more information as to how the CIA stonewalled an interview with Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden. Jordan has also subpoenaed Joe Biden’s ghostwriter to appear before his Committee.

CBS News’ Document Fiasco Over Catherine Herridge’s Confidential Files Isn’t Over

Last week, CBS News took the unprecedented step of seizing Catherine Herridge’s confidential files after the journalist was among those terminated in Paramount’s mass layoffs. Herridge was reportedly working on a story about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. It was a chilling development concerning the surprising firing of Herridge. The network tried to assuage the uproar by saying the files have been kept secure and will be returned soon. On Monday, those files were picked up by Herridge’s union representative (via NY Post):

FILES UPDATE: CBS News returns hundreds of pages of reporting materials after @sagaftra intervened. Full Statement👇 https://t.co/cPBQ6PoTVo— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 26, 2024

CBS News on Monday finally returned confidential files belonging to fired investigative reporter Catherine Herridge amid mounting pressure from the House Judiciary Committee and the union representing the journalist, The Post has learned 

Herridge — who is in the middle of a key First Amendment case — had been probing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal when the acclaimed journalist was shockingly fired as part of mass layoffs by parent company Paramount Global nearly two weeks ago. 

Her personal files — along with her work laptop, which may have contained other confidential info — were immediately confiscated and locked away at the CBS News office in Washington, DC.

“Catherine Herridge’s union representative picked up her materials this morning,” a CBS News rep confirmed to The Post on Monday. 


CBS previously denied that it planned to keep any sensitive information belonging to Herridge, saying last week: “We are prepared to pack up the rest of her files immediately on her behalf – with her representative present as she requested.”

Law professor Jonathan Turley wrote that the timing of Herridge’s dismissal is suspicious, as the reporter was working on features that did not paint the Biden administration in a positive light. This document issue isn’t going away for CBS News, as the Post added that the House Judiciary Committee will investigate the seizure of Herridge’s files. A letter was sent to CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews, saying they had until March 1 to supply Congress with information concerning who ordered the ‘code red’ on Herridge’s files and who handled them afterward.

Some independent reporters rightfully pointed out the chilling effect these actions CBS News undertook can have on sources. Whistleblowers would be more inclined to lay low than come forward if they see fired or laid-off reporters having their files seized by the company brass.

Journalist Highlights the Main ‘Financial Prize’ in the Biden Family Influence Peddling Operation

The Biden influence peddling operation has been exposed. If we had a serious Department of Justice, there would be a full investigation into whether felonious activities were committed. Instead, we’ve had independent and conservative media reporters flesh out the details, whereas the establishment press report on Hunter Biden’s antics, for the most part, but thread Russian disinformation nonsense into the mix. There isn’t any Russian disinformation; Hunter’s laptop was authenticated. The media is salivating over the indictment of Alexander Smirnov, the source of the Biden Burisma bribery allegations since it can rehash Russian disinformation and blow up the impeachment push from congressional Republicans. That is not the case. 

As Michael Shellenberger wrote, there’s another Biden associate, Jason Galanis, whose testimony matches what has been publicly reported on the influence operation. Galanis is a convicted criminal who is serving 15 years for securities fraud. But his testimony from jail also revealed the main prize of the Biden peddling operation and a national security threat.  

In August 2023, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm held a secret meeting with Chinese officials regarding releasing our petroleum reserves. Beijing’s interest in our oil and gas reserves isn’t new, but we’ve had multiple revelations about this Biden influence scheme thanks to the laptop. The multiple shell companies were created and run by Biden family members to filter the money from Romania. You already know about the Burisma connections, the trips to Kazakhstan, and other meetings with unsavory businesspeople and oligarchs. Joe Biden was involved in at least 20 such discussions with his son Hunter to show prospects that this “relationship capital” venture had teeth in the form of connections through the then-vice president and his last name. This brings us back to the Tony Bobulinski allegations that date back to October 2020 and CEFC China Energy. 

Shellenberger noted that the main financial prize for the Biden family in this operation was to allow China to dominate American energy sources. One of the ways they planned on doing that while getting rich was by partnering with CEFC on a liquified natural gas (LNG) deal on Louisiana’s Gulf Coast (via Public):

The Bidens were careful not to over-involve the then Vice President, Bobulinski says. Before he met Joe Biden, Bobulinski says he was told that, “this is going to be a high-level meeting. We’re not going to go into a lot of detail” about CEFC. Another Hunter business associate told Bobulinski in a text message, “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.” 

They were understandably paranoid as they left evidence of what they were doing. It was the email chain about the LNG deal in which Hunter famously said, about shares in the business venture, that there would be “10 [percent] held by H for the big guy.” And, according to Bobulinski, “the big guy—100 percent—is Joe Biden.” 

Bobulinski told Congressional investigators that he once asked Joe’s brother, James Biden, “Aren’t you guys concerned that if Joe does run for President of the United States in the future that you guys are doing business directly with the Chinese?” 

Bobulinski says James Biden laughed and said, “Plausible deniability.” But, he notes, there are “stacks of evidence that Joe Biden showed up at meetings, shook hands, participated in” over 20 calls related to Hunter’s business “to demonstrate the Biden brand to whoever was in that meeting, whether it was the Ukrainians, the Romanians, the Russians, Colombians, Chinese, whoever it was.”

Congressional investigators have documented $20 million in payments from foreign entities to Biden family members and associates. That number could have been significantly higher had the Biden influence-peddling operation not fallen apart shortly before the 2020 elections, when the New York Post first published evidence of influence-peddling found in emails, text messages, and voicemails on Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

China, desperate for cheaper oil and gas, showed in myriad ways how much it wanted access through the Bidens. At one point, the CEO of CEFC gave to Hunter, as a gift, a 2.8-carat diamond worth roughly $80,000. 

Wait, isn’t the Biden administration’s policy aimed at restricting this energy sector? Yes, but there’s also a way to make a buck out of it: 

The Biden family appeared to be seeking to profit from a policy regime of expanded LNG production, while today, President Biden is restricting it. Climate change policy seeks to reduce oil and gas supply. While that is bad for the US and the environment since it results in the burning of dirtier coal that would otherwise be burned, it has the benefit of driving up the value of existing reserves, which may benefit some powerful financial interests. 

Some have suggested that Biden’s LNG restrictions were done in response to the demands and interests of John Podesta, who controls much of the Biden White House energy policy. Whether or not that’s the case, it’s clear Biden and his family have, perhaps for many more decades than just one, been trading influence over energy policy to large financial interests, including even rival foreign ones, like China. 

Environmental considerations aside, the Biden family’s attempt to manipulate energy policy for China, Kazakhstan, and Mexico should trouble Democrats and Republicans alike. They should additionally be concerned by evidence of political corruption by the FBI and Justice Department to cover up for the Biden family. 

And it’s not just the Biden family. Shellenberger noted the energy games have been plated by other prominent politicians as well, like former California Gov. Jerry Brown who established new air pollution standards to benefit his family’s stake in imported Indonesian oil. With the evidence of potential illegality stacked as high as the Eiffel Tower against the Biden family, the timing of the Smirnov indictment reeks of ‘look, squirrel’ from the Justice Department that has consistently intervened to protect Biden’s family. Hunter Biden might have issued the deal of the century, virtual blanket immunity on tax evasion and gun charges if it weren’t for Joseph Zeigler and Gary Shapley coming forward last year, alleging pervasive DOJ intrusion into their investigations.