Daily Archives: June 15, 2024

The Middle Class Built America. They Now Take a Backseat to Illegal Immigrants.

Over the past few years, many middle-class Americans have come to feel as if the rights of law-abiding citizens have taken a back seat to the rights and comfort of illegal aliens. 

These Americans go to work, raise their families, follow the law, and pay their taxes, only to see those who do not work, pay taxes, or follow the law prioritized by our state and federal governments for many valuable benefits and services. And more illegals cross our southern border every day. As of December 2023, the number of daily arrivals topped 10,000. 

There are several examples of the prioritization of illegal immigrants over American citizens for valuable benefits that citizens pay for with taxes.

First, whether you live in a “sanctuary city” or not, your tax dollars are going to fund the education of illegal immigrants. In 1982 the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Plyler v. Doe that illegal immigrants couldn’t be excluded from public schools. The U.S. Department of Education has taken this to unprecedented heights under the Biden Administration by creating The Office of Migrant Education. Many states have opened similar offices. The sole purpose of these offices is to expend an increasing amount of American taxpayer money to ensure that illegal immigrants are properly educated. 

As is so often the case, legal doesn’t necessarily equal right, and these policies take resources from the education of citizens. In the fall of 2021, just as the human tidal wave was gathering momentum, 10.6% of all students in the U.S. were “English learners,” requiring education resources just to become competent in English. Imagine what that percentage is today. 

We are starting to see examples of our schools being overrun. This past January, James Madison High School in Brooklyn even shut down for a day and did not permit its students to attend so that it could be used as a staging ground for the welcoming of illegal immigrants. Where does it end?

Second, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released a plan to put USDA GusNIP grants toward “produce prescriptions” for illegal immigrants. A “produce prescription” is a taxpayer funded monthly dollar amount given to an illegal immigrant to purchase top of the line fruits and vegetables. With food costs, particularly fresh food costs, this benefit would be welcome to many American citizens who are trying to make ends meet. Too bad. 

Third, the state of Michigan recently announced a “newcomer rental subsidy.”  The Newcomer Rental Subsidy Program provides refugees and other newcomer population-eligible households with rental assistance up to $500 per month for up to 12 months, with eligibility based on immigration status and household income. This program specifically excludes American citizens. Not only is it likely illegal, but it is disheartening for struggling citizens. Detroit has a poverty rate of 33.8%. Flint’s poverty rate is 39.6%. A government that prioritizes housing illegal immigrants over providing additional assistance to its own hardworking citizens has lost its way.  

Finally, New York City recently announced a program to give free debit cards worth $350 per week to illegal immigrant families. Of course, there are plenty of families of legal residents throughout New York City that could use an extra $1,400 per month tax free to purchase groceries. They are not eligible. The only qualification for this program is that you must be an illegal immigrant. Law-abiding New York City residents need not apply. This is a slap in the face to the many New Yorkers who are struggling. 

The American middle class has been betrayed by the American political class. And it’s hardly surprising. The same people who have waived United States sovereignty to flood the nation with illegals are only too happy to take from hardworking citizens to maintain the millions they let in. 

The political class does not care about you. They don’t care about the people who donate to their local churches, run toy drives, food drives, and who don’t think twice to help any family in need. The people who spend time cleaning up their block and take pride in their neighborhood. To the cashiers, Soldiers, waitresses, nurses, school bus drivers, police officers, firefighters, teachers, these elitists are clear – they don’t care about you. They don’t care about your family. They don’t care about how hard you work to provide for them. They are not trying to hide it. 

The American middle class built this country. They deserve the support of the government they have elected. 

Are the Dark Ages Returning?

81% of Biden supporters say getting married and having children is not a high priority.  That’s horrendous, but not terribly surprising.  What left me aghast was that 41% of Trump supporters agreed with them.  Only 59% understand that the family is the most crucial foundation of any civilized society.  What do they think—that government is?

A nation in decline has never fully recovered its former glory.  Many disappear completely (Babylon, Assyria), and some remain but only as weak shells of their former splendor (Greece, Rome, Britain).  America will need a complete moral rejuvenation, a return to God and virtue, to rise again to true greatness, and that revival is nowhere in view at present. The entire world seems to be headed toward another “dark age” for humanity.

The “Dark Ages” followed the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.  “Barbarians” immigrated into, and took over Europe.  It is impossible to put exact dates on when these “dark ages” began and ended, but the deterioration lasted several centuries.  Because worldwide human interaction was very slow and limited at that time, those “dark ages” applied mainly to Europe and didn’t overly affect the rest of humanity.  If such a period struck again, it would almost surely influence the entire planet, given the current nature of global intercourse.

What caused the “Dark Ages” in Europe?  What happened to Rome?

That answer is multi-faceted, and thousands of books and articles have been written about it.   But there are certain principles and historical happenings that produced Rome’s “decline and fall” and the subsequent delinquency of Europe. 

A few important ones:

1.  Incredibly poor leadership.  After the “Five Good Emperors” of the 2nd century A.D., Rome had few quality leaders on the “national” level.  Indeed, the “barracks emperors”—a series of military rulers—took power, and most didn’t die in their beds.  Good, virtuous leadership is essential for the survival of any country/empire, and Rome no longer had it.  Rome thus only existed as long as it did because it still had some republican institutions, with power divided among the “national” and “local” levels.  It mattered not that most of the emperors were military men; the excellence of the individual, not his position in society, is what is critical in leadership.  

With very few exceptions, America has had incredibly poor quality in Washington, D.C., for the past few decades.  That’s what Rome suffered.  Power-hungry, self-aggrandizing politicians are always destructive.

2.  The “bread and circuses.”  Rome grew wealthy, and the people grew fat, lazy, and decadent.  Too much of the empire’s population was no longer willing to be productive; they were given to hedonistic pleasure.  This produced 2 curses:

A.  It led to excessive government spending to pay for all the “bread, circuses, gladiatorial games, and lions eating Christians” debauchery.  This spurred inflation and drained the wealth of Roman society.

B.  Thus, the middle class was squeezed and discouraged, and such drove Rome to near financial oblivion.

3.  The feebleness of Roman religion.  Paganism has rarely been a strong inducement to moral excellence.  Many pagan “gods” were more licentious than humans.  And such dominated Roman religion.  Christianity was rising, but by the 4th century, was still not strong enough, perhaps not even as strong as its current enfeebled condition in America today; quantifying such is impossible.  But regardless, weakened religion produces a less virtuous people.  And that always destroys the strength of character necessary to overcome obstacles when they arise.

4.  And such “obstacles” arose.  The barbarians came.  They had no morals, they wanted lands, homes, and conquest. Decadent Roman leadership couldn’t—wouldn’t—stop them.  Without virtue, there is no freedom or civilization, only darkness and savagery.  Western Civilization descended into hundreds of years of “dark ages” until the barbarians were finally civilized by Christianity, societal stability was produced, and trade and commerce returned and flourished.  But it took several centuries.

Do you see any parallels between Rome and America/the current world today?

Barbarianism increasingly dominates the world now.  What I mean by “barbarism” is that the moral virtues necessary to produce societal stabilization built upon family, religion, and respect for law and property rights are disappearing. Hedonism respects nothing but its own pleasure.  There is, of course, very little virtue left in America, and we are witnessing the results on our streets and college campuses, in our empty churches, in the rot vomited out by Hollywood in movies and television, and in the halls of Congress which has become America’s most degenerate institution.  

Other global locations are no better.  China is run by selfish mongrels who care absolutely nothing for their people; I lived there for ten years and was repeatedly victimized by it.  The Middle East, Israel excluded, overseen by a religion of violence, not love, that hasn’t yet lifted most of its countless adherents out of primitiveness and into an even semi-civilized condition. They’re still in the 7th century.  Europe eventually moved out of its “Dark Ages”; the Middle East never has. 

Which current “civilization” can prevent the world from descending into another serious period of darkness and brutality?  

The Left is destroying the foundations of Western Civilization and replacing it with selfish nihilism.  A civilized society cannot be built upon nothingness.  Western Civilization, established upon Greco-Roman political ideals and Judeo-Christian moral values, is almost gone.


China doesn’t believe in freedom.  They believe in force.  They might conquer the world, but if they do, it won’t be by virtue and persuasion, it won’t be by offering the world freedom and moral progress, it will be by death and oppression.  That’s darkness, that’s not light, that’s not civilization.  The Muslim world offers nothing better.  Europe, like America, is tossing its traditions and heritage into the dustbin of history.  Who’s left?  Africa?  Russia?  Who will be the shining light on the hill to keep the barbarians at bay or civilize them?  

From whence will light come?

CNN Releases New Rules for Trump, Biden Debate

CNN released new rules for the highly anticipated presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

In less than two weeks, the two candidates will go head to head in their first debate this election cycle, hosted by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta, Georgia. 

The outlet finalized its set of rules which both presidential campaigns agreed upon on.

The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks, according to the network, and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time. Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip. Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water. Via CNN.

Contrary to past debates, there will be no audience. However, moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”

To qualify for the debate, the candidates must receive 15 percent support in four separate national polls, and be on the ballot in enough states to reach 270 electoral college votes.

CNN also said it wouldn’t be “impossible” for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to appear at the debate. However, it is unlikely any other candidate will meet the requirements to join them on stage. 

According to a recent poll by J.L. Partners, 49 percent of voters believe Biden will forget where he is while on stage with Trump, and 41 percent expect him to wander off the stage. 

The survey also found that a massive 70 percent of Americans think the 81-year-old president will fumble over his words. 

On the other hand, 50 percent of voters—including 13 percent of Democrats— expect Trump to win the debate.

Dragon Warrior nes review

Dragon Warrior – the beginning of an epic series now know as Dragon Quest! Over the years, I have really come to enjoy the Dragon Quest games – especially Dragon Quest V – which is one of my favourite games of all time. After playing many of the newer ones, it was fun to finally come to back to where it all started!

At its core – this is the quintessential JRPG. There is cool music, dungeons to explore, towns to visit, weapons and armour to buy, and battles, and battles, and battles, and battles, and the occasional level up! You start your quest as a descendent of the great warrior Erdrich, a warrior who sought out and destroyed the dragonlord of the past (specifically the one from Dragon Warrior III)! You must search over the world to collect all of Erdricks’ old armour and weapons, and finally face off against the dragonlord once again and defeat him – simple but effective story!

In terms of gameplay, this game plays like many RPGs – you move around from a topdown perspective and explore the world. What makes this game unique compared to many other RPGs that came after is that the world is very much open-world…kinda like Skyrim in a very basic sense. The further that you get from the main castle, the harder the enemies become – but there is nothing specifically preventing you from exploring apart from difficult enemies. I really enjoyed this because it gave the world a real sense of danger, and made gaining levels and getting new equipment exciting as I was able to go further in the world as my character evolved, helping me to discover that next town or venturing to the lowest level of a dungeon.

1 / 7

Battling enemies is what you will be spending 70% of the game doing. Battles are random and occur often – lucky they are very quick if the enemies are not too difficult. In this game, you also have no party – it is you versus the enemy. While this 1 vs. 1 battle system is simple, there is still some strategy involved. You have access to your physical attacks, alongside a number of magic abilities. One complaint is that the magic attacks are quite random – sometimes doing low damage while other times doing massive damage. This randomness made of the battles feel more based around luck than strategy. There is also no real sense of customization of your character. Overall though, the battle system was fun and laid a good foundation for future Dragon Quest games.

Another cool aspect of the game was venturing into dark dungeons. Often times, you needed a torch to see anything in the caves, which made finding the treasure hard to locate but rewarding when found! In terms of things I did not like – the menu system has not aged well! I did not like having to open the menu to click on “door,” “stairs,” or “take,” to actually use those items on the overworld map. I also did not appreciate having to go visit the King each and every time that I wanted to save my game. No other towns in the game allowed me to save, which was frustrating because many of them are quite far from the King, who was located right next to the starter town.

In terms of music, this game created some of the timeless classics heard in all other Dragon Quest games – however, they have sounded a lot better in other games! Some of the other tracks and sound effects in general are quite primitive. In terms of graphics, they are simple but effective in conveying a fantasy world. Where the graphics really shine however is in the enemy design – the blue slimes, and many other enemies like the sandman were created here, and they still look great!

Overall, Dragon Warrior is an okay game that has not aged very well, but is still very much playable for diehard JRPG fans who want to know where it all started. When Dragon Warrior first came out, it was groundbreaking and helped lay the foundation for future RPGs including many of the Dragon Quest sequels. With this in mind, I give it a 6/10, but give it a “Historic Videogame” tag indicating how important it is historically to the RPG  genre.

Adventure Island 2 review

Adventure Island II – a classic platform game of the Nintendo. I actually played this game first with my twin brother at King Cone on an arcade machine back in the early 90s. I couldn’t get past the few major boss in the first world. Little did I know it also came out for Nintendo – and later that year I received it for Christmas!

In this game you take control of master Higgins on his quest to save his girlfriend Tina from the evil witch doctor who has taken her! You must travel through 8 islands full of levitating fruit, skateboards, and monsters (both friendly and not). The perfect setting for a fun and engaging platform adventure!

You start each stage without the ability to defeat enemies, but as you run and jump your way through the level, you find hatchets, skateboards, and dinosaur friends to help. The addition of these dinosaur friends is the greatest upgrade over the original g game. Each of the four dinosaurs (lava, ice, water, and air-type friends) all have unique abilities that can assist in completing levels! My favourite is the Pterodactyl as you can fly! Master Higgins must be careful though as one hit with either dinosaur friends or skateboard and they disappear.

  • Adventure Island 2

1 / 9

You are going to want to keep these dinosaur friends (along with hatchets) too as they can be safely stored for later use of you make it out of the level with them still intact! Later levels can be very difficult if you do not have a proper supply of friends for support! Each island has 4-5 stages, across varying settings from beach, forest, caves, and underwater levels. I really enjoyed the variety of these stages – kept the game very fresh from start to finish.

In terms of major design decisions, the developers opted for a “fruit bar” instead of traditional timer! This bar continuously depletes as Master Higgins makes his way through levels, encouraging him to move forward. If the bar fully depletes, Master Higgins dies. The bar can be temporarily replenished however if fruit and meat are found! I really enjoyed this mechanic as it provided a nice sense of tension between moving quickly to get to the end of the level and exploring the level to find secrets like dinosaur friends and one ups that could be used for later use.

In terms of controls, the game feels great. The controls are responsive and quick – and when you die – and you will – it feels like your own fault! Each dinosaur also has a unique feel, and actually improves the controls in certain situations. For instance, if you are running on ice with the blue dinosaur, you don’t slide! Graphics are fantastic and crisp in each of the levels – though I definitely disliked the cave levels the most though as they all looked the same. Master Higgins’ sprite looks good, but I was though he had a bit of a funny overbite. Enemies come in a variety of forms, including cool looking bosses (one for each island)! Sound is also superb, with it having one of the most iconic intro music themes, with the quality continuing throughout the game.

Overall, this is am A+ platform game on the Nintendo. It is fun, challenging, and exciting with nice tension between exploration and progression. The added dinosaurs makes it one of the best in the series. I give this game a 9/10!