Daily Archives: April 23, 2024

Former Rolling Stone Editor’s Biting Attack on the NYT’s ‘Adults’ Piece About Speaker Johnson

Matt Taibbi once again proves why he needed to go independent regarding his reporting. This article, like most, would never have passed the quasi-politburos that have sprouted up in establishment publications. He zeroed in on The New York Times’ ‘adults’ piece, where Gail Collins and Bret Stephens apparently praised Speaker Mike Johnson for eschewing the “MAGA” factions of the GOP to pass Ukraine aid, FISA renewal, and government funding. 

On the conservative side of things, yes, Johnson’s actions made the case over the weekend to boot him. The problem is there’s no one else who would do better. Who would want the job is another issue. It’s one of those situations where I would agree to pull the trigger on this, but it’ll devolve into a circus that could hand a Democrat, Hakeem Jeffries, the gavel. 

The FISA reversal is one of Johnson’s most disappointing developments. He was dead-set against it but got a briefing from the spooks and then reversed course—it doesn’t get swampier than that. Taibbi also noted the correlating pieces in The New York Times that backed FISA, juxtaposing that with the “adults” piece, noting that it takes a special entitlement for one to call those with whom one disagrees children. However, one can make the case that Democrats make that argument with their silly positions, but he tied that to what he sees as this absurd notion of being an “adult” in the political world. To Taibbi, the adults in the room aren’t revolting a la Johnson to the conservative wing of the GOP base; they’re ingraining a new ethos of being against being on the public’s side and being woefully unaware that this supposed special club has been at the forefront on truly horrific policy decisions (via Racket News): 

We’re creating a class of “adults” who believe it’s their patriotic duty to be above taking the public’s side. A nominal liberal in the Bush or Obama years could feel safe objecting to an intrusive state on behalf of, say, a converted Muslim like Brandon Mayfield. Mayfield was a veteran who’d never been to Spain, but was arrested after a faulty FBI fingerprint match linked him to a Madrid train bombing. Federal snoops used FISA to sneak undetected into Mayfield’s house and office repeatedly and take DNA swabs, nail clippings, and cigarette butts, even fiddle with his 12-year-old daughter’s computer. “I became very paranoid that someone was going into my room,” the girl said. 


The concept of “adults in the room” assumed central importance in the Trump years. After his election, citizens were assumed to be incapable of correct choices, so no more looking at things from the vantage point of little girls’ bedrooms. Adults must be allowed to keep us safe. Who are the “adults in the room”? The numbers are probably like Orwell calculated in 1984, with a political establishment led by the 1% (Orwell had it at 2%, calling them the Inner Party) and administered by a nomenklatura of educated loyalists comprising a little over 10% of the population (the “Outer Party”). The Inner and Outer Parties Orwell described as the brain and hands of the state, surrounded by childlike prole-deplorables who make up the remaining 85% of the populace. 


When James Mattis resigned as Trump’s Secretary of Defense six years ago, not-yet-Substacker Matt Yglesias seethed in Vox that this wasn’t the end for “adults in the room,” just the end of the myth that any ever existed. After all, “The only real grown-ups in American politics are in the Resistance,” and “the real grown-ups are the ones who’ve been outside the room trying to get him out of office.” 

With Trump out, the dynamic is inverted: the only adults are those on the inside, working to keep the Beast out by any means necessary. The Times, CNN, the Washington Post (which slobbered over Johnson in a piece called “Mike Johnson showed courage and rose to history’s call on Ukraine”) and others just made it crystal clear that this dividing line is about sides and nothing else. While Russell Brand, RFK, Jimmy Dore, Dave Chappelle and countless others are pilloried as right-wing grifters, we’re defining as “adults in the room” everyone from Cheney to Michael Hayden to Bill Kristol to David Frum. The latter ten years ago invoked outrage from self-styled progressives everywhere with his amazing Orwellian defense of FISA… 


America’s “adults in the room” have been on a remarkable streak in the last twenty-odd years of not being right about really anything at all, including what policies to avoid (e.g. disastrous Mideast wars or inequality-accelerating bailouts) if you want to keep the public from flocking to someone like Donald Trump. Saying “Transparency is Bad” and “Surveillance is Good” and expecting people to salute your adultness is a particularly potent formula for losing audience, which these types unfortunately don’t tend to see as a problem…

 …Why can’t people just agree with us adults? Well, no matter if they don’t. If they can get enough people like Johnson to turn, they can make disobedient blocs like the Freedom Caucus “irrelevant to the governance of the House of Representatives,” as the Times put it today. That’s the dream, isn’t it? Making the right voters irrelevant? Isn’t that what being “committed to democracy” means? 

Forget the next speaker, Mike Johnson sucking, although he is, and the state of the 2024 race; it once again circles back to how there is a political class who hates us. Who has allies deep within the security state to ruin us, which ironically makes the case to produce more Donald Trump-like candidates? Voters, Left and Right, would likely want this system, this swamp, busted up, right? The problem is this side knows they can turn people on a dime and make them proper adults.

Minnesota State Sen. Arrested for Burglary, Raising ‘Big Implications’ Over Razor-Thin Majority

Early on Monday morning, Nicole Mitchell was arrested at a Detroit Lakes, Minnesota for first degree burglary. She isn’t just any suspect, but a Democratic state senator from Woodbury, Minnesota, located over 200 miles about three and a half hours away. Local news outlet KFGO noted that “[t]he county attorney’s office is reviewing the report before determining whether Mitchell will be charged.”

“Mitchell is a Democratic state senator who was elected in 2022 and former meteorologist for KSTP-TV in Minneapolis. She is currently a Lt. Colonel in the Air Force Reserve, serving as a meteorologist for the Air Force’s ‘Hurricane Hunters’. She was also an anchor on The Weather Channel from 2004 to 2011,” the report also mentioned.

The story also earned national attention, as The New York Post reported that “Becker County Sheriff Todd Glander told The Post that he expected a criminal complaint against the lawmaker to be filed Tuesday.” 

“A spokesperson for the Minnesota Senate Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party said in a statement the party was “aware of the situation and has no comment pending further information,” that report also mentioned. 

Minnesota Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson is quoted as saying “The public expects Legislators to meet a high standard of conduct. As information comes out, we expect the consequences to meet the actions, both in the court of law, and in her role at the legislature.”

The Libs of TikTok X account posted about the arrest as well, which include pointing out and poking fun at how Mitchell had, less than a week before, posted about how she had a “[m]eaningful conversation” with the pro-gun control Moms Demand Action, where “community members” had been sent to “advocat[e] for common sense gun reform & safer communities” at the state legislature.

BREAKING: Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell (D) was just arrested for 1st-degree burglary.

This comes a few days after she publicly advocated for building “safer communities.”

You just can’t make this stuff up 🤣 pic.twitter.com/nccInYfGeg— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) April 22, 2024

It was in 2022 that Democrats gained a trifecta, controlling not only the state Senate, but also the Minnesota House of Representatives, with Democratic Gov. Tim Walz winning reelection. That being said, Democrats only have a one-seat majority in the state Senate, and a six-seat majority in the House.

Andrew Wagner, the executive director for Minnesota House Republicans, reposted the local news coverage, noting “big implications for #mnleg Senate control if DFL State Senator is convicted for 1st Degree Burglary.”

While the state Senate is not up for reelection this cycle, the House is, and is considered to be a competitive state for those races. 

Psst…I Think the President Is Totally Senile

ok, I don’t want to shock you, but I think that our alleged President is senile. Really. Hear me out. Now look, I understand that the regime media teaches that he is a vigorous go-getter taking the lead on important issues and making America safer, more prosperous, and more equitable, but I’m concerned, folks. Maybe I’m off base, but I’m having doubts. I think the evidence is increasingly clear that he’s a senile old pervert who showered with his daughter, as well as a neo-communist serial liar whose inability to tell the truth is matched only by his grubby corruption. Other than that, he’s fine.

And I am glad he’s the Democrat nominee for President. I believe he’s going to hold onto that office with his bony claws right up through election day. And I think he has a substantial chance of losing to Donald Trump. I didn’t use to, but I’m happy to say America is waking up. Voters can’t ignore Grandpa Badfinger’s failures and foolishness any longer.

The people purportedly helping him are actually hurting him, which is great to watch. I particularly loved when he decided to tell the world that cannibals consumed Uncle Bosie. Now, let me say that again because I want to ensure you got it. The alleged President of the United States looked at the camera and told America that cannibals ate his uncle.

Cannibals did not eat his uncle.

And you would think that this bizarre lie about his uncle being an hors d’oeuvre would’ve been enough, but in the same series of incoherent sentences, he also managed to confuse Pearl Harbor with D-Day, get the day of the week wrong, and draw in Beau Biden’s death, which now occurred in action in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or wherever else it is useful for him to claim it happened. At least he left out his classic lie that the other driver in the accident that killed his first wife was drunk. This milking the death of relatives thing has become a habit.

He told this particular set of lies in the course of slandering Trump about the troops. Honest Joe was reviving that old “losers and suckers” lie that all of us veterans recognize as a lie. Joe Biden’s not a veteran. That’s because of another lie. Whatever happened to that asthma that kept our Commander-in-Crusty out of ‘Nam anyway? Was a stammer enough to get a deferment, too?

There I go, picking on him because of his stammer. Oh, and his senility, lies, corruption, and perversion, but yeah, also his stammer.

And then his handlers had him stagger into a gas station to show how Scranton Joe is a real person who knows how to interact with real people. We saw a bunch of citizens who didn’t even feel obligated to stand up in the presence of the President. That’s the kind of aura of leadership we want – local yokels shrugging at the shuffling zombie coming in for a quick photo op with the swing state rubes before heading back out to the Delaware beach house he bought with Chinese bribes. He didn’t bring Hunter with him, which is probably good because somebody might’ve accidentally got him filching coins out of the take a penny, leave a penny tray. Of course, had that happened, the regime media would not have run it. They did not run the story of Hunter’s perversion-ridden, corruption-filled laptop because that was allegedly Russian disinformation. The First Failson’s peccadillos, of course, are the fault of Putin for reasons, and shut up because you’re a transphobe.

They covered for Joe on Cannibalgate as well. Hilariously, the story about his bizarre I-tied-an-onion-to-my-belt-which-was-the-style-at-the-time ramblings was headlined “Biden is off on details of his uncle’s WWII death as he calls Trump unfit to lead the military.” Falsely claiming that your uncle goy tossed into a boiling pot and consumed by local tribesmen is not messing up some minor detail. Saying something happened in the late morning rather than the early afternoon is a minor detail. Asserting that  Dahmerriffic individuals with bones through their noses munched on Uncle Bosie is a major detail. Now, we all appreciate the service of Uncle Bosie, even though he wasn’t the super jet pilot war hero Biden pretends he was to burnish Joe’s own pathetic reputation, but cannibals didn’t eat him, and whatever glory accrues to him does not transfer to his nitwit nephew.

I’m laughing at all the Democrat politicians taking a look at all the polls which show Donald Trump ahead in the battleground states. If you recall, Trump has never been consistently ahead before. He wasn’t ahead in 2016 consistently, and he was barely ever even in any poll in 2020. But now he is, consistently, and they’ve got to be scared. They’ve got to be especially terrified because of the tendency of people to hide their support for Donald Trump. The silent Trumpers are a real threat. Now, a sane party would somehow get rid of the desiccated zombie they have nominated, but the one smart thing Joe Biden never did was take out the greatest insurance policy any politician ever had – Kamala Harris. She’s even more despised than he is, though she’s about as coherent.

Much of the talk about how he will be shuffled off stage and somebody else will be slipped in to bring in the big win is all just magical thinking. It’s Biden. They bought that ticket to ride and they’re riding it to the end of the line. 

I did something no one’s ever done with Joe Biden, which is underestimate him. I underestimated his amazing power to fail. He has failed at everything. The economy is a disaster. You can’t go to McDonald’s, order two Big Macs, a large fries, and a small Diet Coke, and walk out without paying 30 bucks. Hell, try and buy a house. America’s a foreign policy joke. Biden attacks our allies and defends our enemies. And remember that pier he was going to build to feed the terrorists in Gaza? That doesn’t appear likely to happen, not because he suddenly realized how stupid the idea was, but because the Navy ships he sent there either broke down or caught fire.

This guy is a disaster, a catastrophe, a walking, whisper-talking clusterfark, and the Democrats own him. He’s all theirs. He’s not going anywhere. They nominated him, and now they’ve got to deal with it. The bogus kangaroo court conviction that Donald Trump is facing in New York is not going to save Biden – can you imagine somebody at this point thinking, “Well, a jury of New York liberals and a judge whose daughter works for the Democrats convicted Trump of something I can’t quite explain so I’m going to accept inflation and national humiliation in order to re-elect Joe Biden?” Nope.

This guy is going down, and I don’t mean tumbling down the stairs of Air Force One, but you know that’s in the cards, too.

Harvard Takes Action Against Pro-Hamas Student Group

Harvard College suspended the Palestine Solidarity Committee for the remainder of the Spring semester and threatened permanent expulsion if they fail to “cease all organizational activities,” The Harvard Crimson reports. 

The move comes as pro-terrorist demonstrations have overtaken parts of campuses at Columbia and Yale Universities. 

PSC, which has been on probation since March, was notified via email of the temporary suspension for failing to register a protest and violating use-of-space guidelines. 

The PSC was one of several student organizations, including some unrecognized student organizations, to stage a rally in Harvard Yard on Friday in solidarity with student activists at Columbia, more than 100 of whom were arrested on Thursday by the New York City Police Department.

During the rally, attendees marched and chanted outside the offices of administrators in the Yard, concluding on the steps of Widener Library.

The group also found itself at the center of controversy in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, when the PSC published a statement co-signed by more than 30 other student groups that stated it held “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” from Hamas’ attack. (The Harvard Crimson)

“The organization will not be recognized and will not have access to university benefits and services during this time, including but not limited to use of campus space and appropriate use of the Harvard name,” the email reads. “If the organization continues to operate and commits additional violations during this suspension, the organization risks permanent expulsion, as provided in the Resource Guide.”

In a statement responding to the temporary suspension on social media, PSC said the movement cannot be stopped.

“For the past 6 months, PSC has faced unprecedented repression — doxxing, racist harassment, and targeted administrative crackdowns — as we’ve protested the ongoing genocide in Gaza,” the PSC post said. “After being placed on an illegitimate and retroactive probation, PSC has been suspended.”

“We call on the Harvard community to fight against repression and join the movement for Palestinian liberation,” the statement continued. “History is watching you.”

‼️‼️BREAKING: Harvard PSC has been SUSPENDED. Despite admin’s attempts to silence students speaking out against the atrocities committed in Palestine, they will never suspend the movement. pic.twitter.com/JmfVsrxPiO— Harvard for Palestine (@HarvardPSC) April 22, 2024

Trump Comes to Johnson’s Defense

Former President Donald Trump offered his defense of House Speaker Mike Johnson as the Louisiana Republican is coming under fire from conservative Republicans over the foreign aid bill and FISA, among other priorities. 

The 45th president said in a radio interview with Chris Stigall that the speaker was in a tough spot due to the GOP’s slim majority in the lower chamber. 

“Remember, the speakership we’re talking about has, you know, we’re a majority by one. One vote,” Trump said. 

“And you can’t really get too tough when — Look, we all want to be tough guys and all, and I have a lot of friends, and frankly I have friends on both sides,” Trump continued. “You know, if you look at the vote, a lot of Republicans, a lot of good Republicans, voted for it. But Mike is in there and he’s trying, and some people were disappointed, and a lot of people were very disappointed that nothing happened with the border. I’ll straighten out the border.”

The former president was referring to the $95 billion foreign aid package that divided Republicans and has some on the right calling for Johnson’s ouster.  

Johnson ultimately defied his conservative critics, pushing to the floor a series of four bills providing overseas assistance but detaching those funds from a separate border security bill, which failed on the floor during Saturday’s votes. He framed the aid as a simple but crucial continuation of America’s responsibility to democratic allies facing threats of their own.

The package, which more than 100 House Republicans voted against, included roughly $61 billion for Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel, $8 billion for allies in the Indo-Pacific, and a package of additional national security measures that features a potential ban on the popular TikTok app. The bills must still pass the Senate before going to President Biden’s desk.

Trump hosted Johnson at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida earlier this month and offered his support for the embattled Speaker, who is under fire from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), a staunch ally of the former president. (The Hill)

Last week, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned Trump that his continued support of such spending may cost him politically. 

If Trump supports this monstrous, unpaid for foreign aid debt buster, he will lose the very supporters who comprise his vanguard.
Mark my words. https://t.co/X972oGsSog— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) April 17, 2024

Pro-Hamas Students at CA State Polytechnic University Went January 6 With Police

I’m sure there will be more details about this event later, but what are we doing here? We have footage of pro-Hamas students at California State Polytechnic University in Arcata, who barricaded themselves inside a building, which led to a confrontation with police.

Police are in riot gear as Pro-Palestinian protesters have barricaded themselves in and taken over a building at a State Polytechnic University in #Arcata #California.

The five minute video documents the battle between #Hamas supporting #Antifa communists and local police. pic.twitter.com/ZSeejRJxpg— Elliot (@elliotreports) April 23, 2024

🚨#BREAKING: Police are in riot gear as Pro-Palestinian protesters have barricaded taken over a building at a State Polytechnic University


Currently, multiple law enforcement officers are equipped in riot gear and have shields after dozens of… pic.twitter.com/sEHwadBLU0— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) April 23, 2024

🚨#UPDATE: Here’s Footage from earlier showing dozens of pro-Palestine protesters blocking the entrance of a building at California State Polytechnic University with barricading the entrance with couches, chairs, desks, and other items. pic.twitter.com/mFgAsD05pU— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) April 23, 2024

It’s one of the many instances of young people causing a stir for all the wrong reasons. The Democratic Party establishment and American Jews had to have received whiplash over the past few weeks, as a growing segment of the base has shown that they’re antisemitic, anti-Israel, and have zero qualms about supporting people who would fly buildings into skyscrapers. 

It’s why the Biden White House is walking a tightrope, albeit very poorly, with these incidents nationwide. Biden condemned the anti-Semitism at Columbia University’s terror camp. 

“I condemn antisemitic protests…I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians,” said Biden yesterday. 

It’s the same with Israel herself: Biden says there will be ironclad support for Israel following the Iranian ballistic missile barrage last weekend but also reportedly told Tehran to keep their strikes “within certain limits.” He’ll bash Israel for its anticipated ground operation into Rafah, the last Hamas bastion in Gaza, but continue to re-arm the Jewish state. 

It’s this foreign policy see-saw that young voters cannot tolerate—they want to see Israel destroyed. And these people vote, so in a way, Biden must cater to antisemites if he doesn’t want to lose critical states, like Michigan, come November. 

These students who are duking it out with police in the clips above are the voters Biden’s people have to cling to—perhaps that’s a sign that your party has gone too insane, no?