Daily Archives: April 17, 2024

More Than 100 Illegal Aliens Cut Through Wire Installed by National Guard to Enter the U.S.

A group of about 100 illegal aliens cut through a wire barrier installed by Texas National Guard and crossed the border into the states on Friday. 

The concertina wire was installed by the Texas National Guard, according to KFOX 14, and runs along the Rio Grande River. The area where the illegal immigrants crossed in near a high school in southern Texas. 

After the group cut the wire, it caused a chain-link fence to collapse, Border Patrol told the outlet. Reportedly, all the individuals who were a part of the ordeal were taken into custody and processed. They are expected to be placed into removal proceedings. 

NBC 15 News reported that the arrested were adult males and females from Venezuela, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador.

“Individuals and families who attempt to enter the United States without authorization, and who are unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the United States, will be removed and are subject to a minimum five-year bar on reentry as well as potential criminal prosecution for migrants with a criminal history,” a statement Border Patrol provided to the outlet read.

Late last month, over 100 illegal immigrants attempted to enter the United States illegally by rushing a border wall and breaking through razor wire, according to the New York Post:

A group of men with hoodies, gloves and winter jackets could be seen pulling fencing away and dashing through the concertina wire, as a group of five guards stood in a defensive formation to fill the gap.

The guardsmen firmly held their rifles and stood their ground in front of the migrants, who heavily outnumbered them.


In the video, some figures raise their hands in surrender, but seconds later, others scramble through, with some coming through the guards’ legs and knocking them out of the way.

The group then scrambled to the border gate and started to shout at guardsmen on the other side.

Whistleblower Alleges Biden Is Endangering American Forces in Niger

An American serviceman filed a whistleblower report, alleging that Joe Biden is placing American troops in harm’s way by refusing to withdraw from the African nation of Niger. Niger has undergone a seismic change in political leadership, as there was a military coup in 2023. Last month, the new government said that American military presence was illegal and vowed to end all agreements effective immediately. US forces had been conducting counter-terror operations in the region, including drone operations. 

The Washington Post obtained a copy of the complaint, in which the Biden State and Defense Department rejected the negligence claims but did not admit that a new agreement could be hashed out with the military government. So, in a way, yes, American troops could be in harm’s way since we know how Biden dithers on everything: 

The airman, in a private whistleblower complaint to Congress obtained by The Washington Post, accused top officials at the U.S. Embassy in Niger’s capital of Niamey of having “intentionally suppressed intelligence” as they seek to maintain the “facade of a great country-to-country relationship.” The embassy’s actions, the whistleblower wrote, have “potential implications” for U.S. relations with other African nations “and the safety of our personnel in the region.” 

The State Department and Defense Department rejected the claims of negligence, saying the United States is making a final push to maintain a U.S. military presence in post-coup Niger, though they acknowledge that talks are difficult and may fail to produce an agreement. 


“There’s a very narrow path here to finding an accommodation that addresses their interests and concerns and our interests and concerns,” said a senior State Department official, who like some others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the Biden administration’s diplomatic efforts. “It may not work, but the fat lady hasn’t sung yet.” 

The whistleblower’s allegations highlight the difficulties for the United States in operating in a region of Africa that is increasingly unstable. In 2017, four American soldiers were killed after being ambushed on a mission in Niger, which military investigators blamed on poor training, planning and other institutional failures. 

For years, the Pentagon has deployed a mix of mostly Air Force and Army personnel to Niger to support a mission scrutinizing militant groups in the region. Until the coup, the arrangement included drones flying in counterterrorism operations from a base the United States built and U.S. and Nigerien troops partnering on some patrols.

The Trump-Niger incident, where four green berets were killed in an ambush, is notable since the media tried to make that into the former president’s Benghazi, when it clearly wasn’t. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow insinuated that the attack was in response to Trump’s executive order on immigration, aka the Muslim ban. It was an episode of nutty conspiracy theory nonsense that hasn’t changed much. And yes, even The Washington Post torched the MSNBC host for peddling this piece of fear-mongering trash.  

Our Constitution Was Made Only for a Moral and Religious People

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”—John Adams 

What did Adams mean and why do Leftists hate him and our Founders so much?

To our Founders, there is only so much “power” in a political system, a true “zero sum” situation.  People “power” is called “freedom.”  Government “power” is called “tyranny.”  And because only so much power is available, the only place government obtains power is by taking freedoms from the people.  The more “power” government has, the less “free” the people are.

As they viewed history, our Founders perceived that the constant, unchanging tendency of governments was to gain more and more power, thus leaving their people less and less free.  This was virtually an absolute to them.  Remember their own situation.  They rebelled against a government they believed was doing just that—growing in tyranny at the expense of its citizens, especially in the American colonies.  This was anathema to our Founders.  They hated tyranny, and loved freedom.  And before someone shouts “Slavery!”, never, ever forget it was the principles they established that eventually eradicated slavery in America and around the world.  History doesn’t happen overnight, but the collapse of slavery, in the 19th century, is one of the most rapid dissolutions of any system in human history.  Would that abortion would fall as quickly.

Government exists to protect the property of its citizens—to “secure” the natural rights given to them by God.  Thus, “people power” trumps “government power.”   Indeed, the only “powers” government has are those the people give it.  The citizens do realize that (theoretically) there are a few matters government can handle more effectively than individuals—war, police, a national currency—thus, the people are willing to sacrifice some of their individual rights so that collectively, through government, various matters can be handled more efficiently.  But any right the people give the government can be taken back.  This is, of course, exactly contrary to modern Leftist dogma which holds that all our rights come from government.  Government giveth, and government taketh away.  Such is 100% opposite the thinking of America’s Founders and is precisely why Leftists hate them so much.    

Because they believed the universal, constant tendency of government was to grow and abuse power, thus becoming tyrannical and enslaving their population, the American Founding Fathers gave very little power to the national government they created.  They specified EXACTLY what legislative power that government had (Article 1, Section 8).  Laws are what restrict freedom so the Founders were very specific about what the legislative branch could do.  Then, the Bill of Rights tells Congress what it CANNOT do.  These are the powers the people gave, and forbade, to Congress.   By exactly defining the powers of government, the people thus knew exactly what it could and could not do, giving them protection and thus great freedom.  Most governmental powers were placed in the hands of the states and local governments, which were closer to the people, and thus (hypothetically) more controllable.  Congress had very few, and very defined powers.

Incidentally, have you ever wondered why political parties are not mentioned in the Constitution?  Parties are divisive, and it was not the role of the federal government (which was to be totally neutral) to benefit one section of the populace over another.  Again, read Article 1, Section 8.  Every power given to Congress was to benefit every American equally—the “general welfare.”   Political parties thus weren’t needed.   Tragically, they began almost immediately after the Constitution was ratified when Alexander Hamilton pushed for a national bank which would (Southerners believed) benefit Northern industry over Southern agriculture.  This was actually the first step on the road to our “civil war.”


But back to Adams’ quote.  Because of the nature of humanity, humans must be restrained or many of them will do evil.  Thus, some system must be enacted to restrict the wickedness of the uncivilized.   Government can do that, of course, but too much government power is called “tyranny.”  The Founders wrote a Constitution to limit that very tendency.   Thus, in the Founders’ system, religion was essential for restricting men.  That gives humans as much freedom as possible because they are not being tyrannized by government into moral virtue and civilization, they FREELY choose to do it of their own volition!  Government power is limited by the Constitution—the people are protected from government tyranny.  Man’s vileness is limited (freely, voluntarily) by religion, thus allowing humans the greatest freedom possible.  Our Constitution was indeed made only for a moral and religious people because it severely limited the power government has over its citizens.  But, in order to have a civilized society, man’s basest instincts must be restrained—”a moral and religious people” are essential.  

I cannot emphasize this strongly enough. The Founders deliberately limited the power the national government had over its citizens by defining precisely what powers the federal government could, and could not, exercise.  That left the American people free from (most) government tyranny.  But by doing so, it was absolutely imperative to have a “moral and religious people” who would curtail themselves from harming others, be virtuous, industrious, concerned for others, and practice all the enlightened attributes their religion taught them.  No one did it perfectly, of course, and murderers and thieves, etc. existed in early America.  Government, mainly state and local laws, does play a role here.  But very limited.  

The system didn’t work as well as the Founders wanted for the very reason they feared—the desire of men for power over others.

But indeed, “that book (the Bible) [was] the rock upon which this republic rests” (Andrew Jackson).  Since government tyranny is the goal of the Left, the Bible and the Constitution must be vilified or revised to meet their pleasure.  And that is exactly what they are doing today.

America No More…

After watching with over a hundred others the newly released movie, Civil War, I left the theater stunned, and I was not alone. Was it a good movie? Just a deeply unsettling one! Could it really happen? You don’t even want to imagine it! But with Biden’s assault on America continuing and Trump reemerging as the favored GOP candidate, the American division is growing. More and more citizens are getting angrier as their standard of living is in jeopardy and illegals are getting benefits citizens can only dream of. 

Spoiling the movie’s plot is never appropriate, but when Western forces from Texas, Florida, and even California take on the elected President, the country is left in a civil war. We watch as desensitized media professionals cover the death of hundreds of American citizens. To the film’s media, the war is just a once-in-a-lifetime story that deserves to be captured one picture at a time. After all, it’s the media’s job. They are just feeding citizens what they want—blood, gore, winners, and victims. What would happen if America descends into such chaos? This movie provides one disturbing view, one that, God help us, must never happen. 

One thing is clear, when a country loses trust in its leader’s ability to preserve their cherished freedoms and ensure equal treatment under the law, even insurrection seems somehow possible. That is a nightmare no American should have to entertain, but more and more Americans seem to be losing hope in the future of our country. They don’t trust elections. Many don’t even like the Presidential choices presented to them. 

The Founding Fathers valued freedom enough to unleash a revolution against the greatest power at the time. Enough citizens joined them in securing what most at the time believed impossible, independence. Yes, insurrection hatched our beloved America. Belief in equal rights and freedom are powerful forces that have always driven patriotic Americans to action. 

Even with our differences, most Americans believe in property rights, voting rights, law enforcement to keep us safe, freedom of speech, and personal responsibility. Unfortunately, more and more Americans feel these values are in question, and they are not sure America can be saved!

Many Americans no longer even believe that elections will produce a lawful winner. They don’t trust the voting machines. They want paper ballots that can be counted. They don’t believe multiple days are needed. Hasn’t one day of voting always been enough? They want required IDs and signed mail-in ballots. They fear ballot harvesting is just another name for ‘manufacturing” all the votes you need to ensure a fraudulent victory. Are American fair elections no more!

Many no longer believe that the enforcement of law is fair and sure. While former President Donald Trump has been charged with multiple “crimes,” President Joe Biden’s similar actions aren’t even charged. Hunter Biden’s influence peddling with money set aside for the “Big Guy” are not even covered in the mainstream media. The Dept. of Justice is quick to charge Trump, but with the Bidens, we hear nothing but crickets. People who commit crimes are being let go instead of being held accountable. Is American law and order no more!

Under President Trump, our border was finally more under control. Under Biden, his open border has been continually flooding our country with illegals from around the world. They come expecting benefits at the expense of taxpaying citizens. Illegals overwhelm services in our urban areas. Legal immigrants had to wait years to enter and are fuming at this invasion of illegals rushing to the front of the line and expecting to be accepted, supported, and allowed to become citizens. Is America’s secure border no more!

We thought in America, your home was your castle. If you work to buy the home of your dreams, you were sure that your property rights were secure in a community that you loved. But today, squatters are taking over vacant homes and fending off owners who want them to leave their property. Illegals are being told to come to America, find an empty home, and move in. In the name of equity, governments are rezoning the suburbs and requiring the building of low-income housing where it is not wanted. Are America’s property rights no more! 

Do you believe America is lost? Do you believe nothing can reverse this march to chaos? Do you believe that it is time to buy your own guns to protect your family when the government won’t? Is a civil war coming? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are in danger of losing the optimistic attitude that has characterized Americans for two centuries. This is our country. This is not the time for surrender. It’s time to fight to preserve America the best way you can—vote for candidates who promise to preserve the rights you value most. 

Your vote does matter. There are no perfect candidates, but the party positions make a difference in this critical election. If you want law and order, secure borders, fair elections, property rights, and a return to personal responsibility, there is only one party to support. Vote for every GOP candidate you are given the opportunity to support, or it may very well be America no more!

An Utterly Laughable Hypocrisy

Greetings, everyone, and unhappy Tax Day; today is the day we send our hard-earned dollars to a federal government that cannot balance its checkbook. We are constantly berated about paying a fair share and incessantly pummeled with rhetoric about government investments, truly an oxymoronic reference—emphasis on moron. Now, I could go on and on about the insidious hypocrisy of sending our resources to a federal government that wastes it on ideological boondoggles, but that is not the point of this missive. There will be many others who will cover this absurd situation where we find the net interest on our debt now surpasses the amount we spend on our national security and defense.

And that is what I seek to discuss in this week’s offering.

Recently, some 19 retired military Generals and Admirals, along with former top civilian defense officials, filed an Amicus (Friends of the Court) Brief with the US Supreme Court. Their brief outlines their opposition to former President Donald Trump’s plea for immunity from prosecution for actions taken during his tenure as president. Now, get this: they believe that the SCOTUS granting of such poses a significant threat to national security. The SCOTUS will hear this case on April 25th. This group is warning that there will be threats to our national security and democratic principles if former President Trump’s claims of presidential immunity for official acts were to be accepted. Now, I just had to repeat the assertion of this group because you have to understand the sheer and utterly laughable hypocrisy they present. The money quote from their 38-page brief is, “Should the theory of absolute immunity prevail, it will risk jeopardizing America’s standing as a guardian of democracy in the world and further feeding the spread of authoritarianism, thereby threatening the national security of the United States and democracies around the world.”


No, you cannot make this stuff up. Here are folks, including some who were on the original laughable hypocrisy of the 51 intelligence officials who declared Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, saying that Trump is a threat to our national security.

How about Joe Biden selling off our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to our No. 1 geopolitical foe, China? Or how about undermining our very own oil and gas industry and reversing the path of our energy independence and dominance? Now we are begging hat in hand once again to those who seek the demise of our country. And just months ago, Biden signed an order to freeze our export of liquified natural gas (LNG), which forces more of our global allies to seek that resource from another geopolitical foe, Vladimir Putin and Russia.

I ponder if they would consider this to be a threat to our national security. Or the fact that Joe Biden abandoned over $80B of US military equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan in a complete strategic, operational, and tactical debacle he praised as a success…to include the deaths of American Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors. How about the fact that Afghanistan is now, once again, a thriving base of operations for Islamic terrorist groups, namely ISIS-K, who just enacted a brutal terrorist attack in Russia? Any threat to our national and global security?

I wonder if these 19 retired Generals, Admirals, and senior civilian defense officials think opening up our borders to millions of illegal immigrants, including single military-age males, poses no threat to our national security? Heck, FBI Director Christopher Wray just testified to such not too long ago before Congress. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have lost their lives due to the chemical warfare agent fentanyl—which emanates from China. There can be no debate that it was Joe Biden and his unconstitutional 90+ executive orders that opened our border to invasion that’s a threat to our national security. I guess these delusional individuals just do not see it that way.

Biden has continued the decimation of our military readiness, capability, and capacity. Our force cannot meet recruiting and retention objectives…but hey, our Armed Forces know their proper pronouns, accept mentally disturbed gender dysphoric individuals and embrace cultural Marxism.

And authoritarianism?

What do you call it when you mandate what type of appliances, vehicles, and amount of water in toilets Americans can have? What do you call it when you weaponize the federal government agencies against your ideological opponents, like parents who want better educational opportunities, not indoctrination, of their children? What do you call it when you seek to designate said parents as “domestic terrorists,” kick in the doors of pro-life activists in the middle of the night and infiltrate the Catholic Church? But you say and do nothing when supporters of an Islamic terrorist group that killed and took Americans hostage on October 7th, 2023, take to our streets and chant “Death to America”?

I wonder if these 19 Generals, Admirals, and senior civilian defense officials agree with Joe Biden that no amendment to the US Constitution is absolute? Hey, those of you who signed onto this letter and took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, speak up, please! Or how about using the federal government in coordination with private sector tech information companies to censor the freedom of speech and expression of Americans? Is that not a threat to our democratic principles and Constitutional rights? I suppose the signatories of this Amicus Brief think it is perfectly fine to have illegals voting in our elections and count them in our census?

I think y’all reading this piece have now gotten the point. Once again, this is an utterly laughable hypocrisy that evidences the two-tiered system of justice, basically altering right and wrong in our Republic. These people who signed their names to this Amicus Brief are no friends of our Constitutional Republic, nor the TRUE American people. They are nothing more than politicized hacks, puppets, cymbal clanging monkeys who are the ones who pose a threat to the very existence of our country. They are the friends of the progressive socialist leftists and Marxists and shamefully have exposed themselves as such. Every one of them should be condemned.

But hey, I am a forgiving fella, and I will allow you, the treasonous and delusional 19, to withdraw your support for this Amicus Brief; you have 24 hours after the publishing of this piece. If you refuse to do so, then your names will go right there with Benedict Arnold, who was once a revered hero of our Revolutionary War…until his personal feelings became more important than our national interest.

Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, is the greatest threat to our national security and representative democracy. He is our biggest measure of authoritarianism. His fecklessness and weakness have brought the world to this point of global chaos and calamity. Anyone believing otherwise is in denial of facts and is aiding and abetting the assault on the foundations of our republic.

Communists Betray Workers, Teachers Unions Betray Students, Civil Rights Organizations Betray Blacks

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union — like most communist parties — came to power as the great defender of workers.

In reality, the Soviet Communist Party didn’t give a hoot about Russian workers. The party was nothing more than a totalitarian organization that used workers to gain power — and then suppressed the proletariat, just as it suppressed every other group. One of the first things the Communist Party did after attaining power was disband independent labor unions and prohibit workers’ strikes. Yes, the “workers’ party” banned strikes.

The one major exception was the Chinese Communist Party, which came to power as the great defender of peasants. And the CCP slaughtered about 60 million of them.

This has been the modus operandi of every left-wing group everywhere: Claim concern for some group, and use that group to fool people — specifically, naive liberals, who share few values with the Left but have frequently served as useful idiots for the Left. Liberals do so to this day.

Teachers Unions

Teachers unions are nothing more than left-wing groups that use alleged concern for students to attain and retain power. The reality, however, is while they care about teachers, they harm students far more than they help them.

One example is teachers unions’ opposition to school choice. Those who actually care about students support the right of parents to choose their children’s schools — just as many teachers do when they send their own children to schools of their choice.

A second example is teachers unions’ making it nearly impossible to fire incompetent teachers.

A third example was teachers unions’ demands that schools lock down for nearly two years during the COVID-19 era. The unions did so despite there being no scientific evidence in support of school lockdowns and despite ample warnings that many children would suffer intellectually, scholastically, emotionally and psychologically.

Moreover, wrote John H. Cochrane of the Hoover Institution in the Wall Street Journal, “When schools went remote, parents found out what was actually going on inside the classrooms. Teachers were coaching students to hate themselves, their country and their religious traditions and sexualizing young children.”

The last point brings us to a fourth example: Teachers rob young students of their sexual innocence with premature talk of, and books that deal with, overt sexual activity, and the infamous use of drag queens to perform in front of children as young as 6 years old.

Just how left-wing teachers organizations are was made clear by the sympathetic left-wing magazine The Nation in January:

“A rank-and-file campaign inside the National Education Association is demanding the president stop ‘sending military funding, equipment, and intelligence to Israel.’ … But the rank-and-file campaign goes beyond (that). … Members want the NEA (National Education Association) to revoke its endorsement of Joe Biden for the 2024 presidential race until the president … stops ‘sending military funding, equipment, and intelligence to Israel.'”

That was only two months after Oct. 7.

Civil Rights Organizations

Most civil rights organizations are also essentially left-wing groups. They use alleged concern for blacks to attain and retain power, but they harm blacks considerably more than they help them.

A glaring example is the near-universal opposition of civil rights groups to school choice despite the fact that black Americans overwhelmingly support it. According to a 2023 RealClear Opinion Research poll, 73% of blacks support school choice — two points more than whites. They do so because large majorities of black students in public schools perform far below grade-level standards.

The reason the largest civil rights organization, the NAACP, opposes school choice has nothing to do with concern for blacks. It is that the left-wing position — again, the NAACP is a left-wing organization — on school choice is dictated by teachers unions.

Other civil rights organizations’ positions that harm blacks include labeling as “racist” the most effective solution to racism: widespread colorblindness; supporting separate dorms and graduations for black college students; and support for lowering academic and professional standards to facilitate black advancement.

Feminist Organizations

Feminist organizations are additional examples of essentially left-wing organizations. The group they use to attain and retain power is women. Just as other left-wing interest groups, they harm the group on whose behalf they allegedly fight — in this case, women — far more than they help them.

The most obvious example is the support of major feminist organizations for men who say they are women participating in women’s sports.

From the website of the National Women’s Law Center:

“The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) unequivocally supports the inclusion of trans women in women’s sports. And if you call yourself a feminist, you should too.”

From the website of The Women’s Sports Foundation (WSF):

“The Women’s Sports Foundation supports the right of all athletes, including transgender athletes, to participate in athletic competition. …”

In 2022, the WSF wrote a letter to the NCAA protesting any diminution of the right of biological males who say they are females to participate in women’s athletics. The letter was cosigned, as expected, by LGBTQIA+ organizations but also by two major feminist organizations in addition to the Women’s Sports Federation: the National Organization for Women and the National Women’s Political Caucus.

Damaging women has been the primary legacy of organized feminism for the last half-century. That there are more depressed women, especially young women, today than at any other time in modern American history is directly attributable to left-wing influence generally (no religion, no country, no future) and to feminist doctrines specifically: Career is more important than marriage and family, and women can do just fine without a man to love and be loved by.

LGBTQIA+ Organizations

Perhaps the ultimate example of left-wing contempt for the groups they claim to represent is “Queers for Palestine.” Palestinian queers have no rights; they face persecution and even death if they expose themselves to their society. Israeli queers are by far the safest, happiest and freest in the Middle East. But hating Israel is the left-wing position. At any cost.