Journalist Highlights the Main ‘Financial Prize’ in the Biden Family Influence Peddling Operation

The Biden influence peddling operation has been exposed. If we had a serious Department of Justice, there would be a full investigation into whether felonious activities were committed. Instead, we’ve had independent and conservative media reporters flesh out the details, whereas the establishment press report on Hunter Biden’s antics, for the most part, but thread Russian disinformation nonsense into the mix. There isn’t any Russian disinformation; Hunter’s laptop was authenticated. The media is salivating over the indictment of Alexander Smirnov, the source of the Biden Burisma bribery allegations since it can rehash Russian disinformation and blow up the impeachment push from congressional Republicans. That is not the case. 

As Michael Shellenberger wrote, there’s another Biden associate, Jason Galanis, whose testimony matches what has been publicly reported on the influence operation. Galanis is a convicted criminal who is serving 15 years for securities fraud. But his testimony from jail also revealed the main prize of the Biden peddling operation and a national security threat.  

In August 2023, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm held a secret meeting with Chinese officials regarding releasing our petroleum reserves. Beijing’s interest in our oil and gas reserves isn’t new, but we’ve had multiple revelations about this Biden influence scheme thanks to the laptop. The multiple shell companies were created and run by Biden family members to filter the money from Romania. You already know about the Burisma connections, the trips to Kazakhstan, and other meetings with unsavory businesspeople and oligarchs. Joe Biden was involved in at least 20 such discussions with his son Hunter to show prospects that this “relationship capital” venture had teeth in the form of connections through the then-vice president and his last name. This brings us back to the Tony Bobulinski allegations that date back to October 2020 and CEFC China Energy. 

Shellenberger noted that the main financial prize for the Biden family in this operation was to allow China to dominate American energy sources. One of the ways they planned on doing that while getting rich was by partnering with CEFC on a liquified natural gas (LNG) deal on Louisiana’s Gulf Coast (via Public):

The Bidens were careful not to over-involve the then Vice President, Bobulinski says. Before he met Joe Biden, Bobulinski says he was told that, “this is going to be a high-level meeting. We’re not going to go into a lot of detail” about CEFC. Another Hunter business associate told Bobulinski in a text message, “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.” 

They were understandably paranoid as they left evidence of what they were doing. It was the email chain about the LNG deal in which Hunter famously said, about shares in the business venture, that there would be “10 [percent] held by H for the big guy.” And, according to Bobulinski, “the big guy—100 percent—is Joe Biden.” 

Bobulinski told Congressional investigators that he once asked Joe’s brother, James Biden, “Aren’t you guys concerned that if Joe does run for President of the United States in the future that you guys are doing business directly with the Chinese?” 

Bobulinski says James Biden laughed and said, “Plausible deniability.” But, he notes, there are “stacks of evidence that Joe Biden showed up at meetings, shook hands, participated in” over 20 calls related to Hunter’s business “to demonstrate the Biden brand to whoever was in that meeting, whether it was the Ukrainians, the Romanians, the Russians, Colombians, Chinese, whoever it was.”

Congressional investigators have documented $20 million in payments from foreign entities to Biden family members and associates. That number could have been significantly higher had the Biden influence-peddling operation not fallen apart shortly before the 2020 elections, when the New York Post first published evidence of influence-peddling found in emails, text messages, and voicemails on Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

China, desperate for cheaper oil and gas, showed in myriad ways how much it wanted access through the Bidens. At one point, the CEO of CEFC gave to Hunter, as a gift, a 2.8-carat diamond worth roughly $80,000. 

Wait, isn’t the Biden administration’s policy aimed at restricting this energy sector? Yes, but there’s also a way to make a buck out of it: 

The Biden family appeared to be seeking to profit from a policy regime of expanded LNG production, while today, President Biden is restricting it. Climate change policy seeks to reduce oil and gas supply. While that is bad for the US and the environment since it results in the burning of dirtier coal that would otherwise be burned, it has the benefit of driving up the value of existing reserves, which may benefit some powerful financial interests. 

Some have suggested that Biden’s LNG restrictions were done in response to the demands and interests of John Podesta, who controls much of the Biden White House energy policy. Whether or not that’s the case, it’s clear Biden and his family have, perhaps for many more decades than just one, been trading influence over energy policy to large financial interests, including even rival foreign ones, like China. 

Environmental considerations aside, the Biden family’s attempt to manipulate energy policy for China, Kazakhstan, and Mexico should trouble Democrats and Republicans alike. They should additionally be concerned by evidence of political corruption by the FBI and Justice Department to cover up for the Biden family. 

And it’s not just the Biden family. Shellenberger noted the energy games have been plated by other prominent politicians as well, like former California Gov. Jerry Brown who established new air pollution standards to benefit his family’s stake in imported Indonesian oil. With the evidence of potential illegality stacked as high as the Eiffel Tower against the Biden family, the timing of the Smirnov indictment reeks of ‘look, squirrel’ from the Justice Department that has consistently intervened to protect Biden’s family. Hunter Biden might have issued the deal of the century, virtual blanket immunity on tax evasion and gun charges if it weren’t for Joseph Zeigler and Gary Shapley coming forward last year, alleging pervasive DOJ intrusion into their investigations. 

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