Daily Archives: June 11, 2020

Why You No Longer Recognize Your Country

Mass looting throughout the nation. Police precincts burned to the ground. Murdered cops. A historic church in Lafayette Park set on fire. Video after horrifying video of innocent Americans being beaten senseless by gangs of thugs, as one political party demands: “DEFUND THE POLICE!”

Everyone is saying it: I no longer recognize my country.

You don’t recognize your country because it’s not the same country. What you’re seeing is the third-world hellhole the left has been quietly assembling for us since 1970.

Minnesota, the crucible of the riots, has gone from having 2.6% foreign-born in 1990 to nearly 10% foreign-born today — and that’s not including their children or illegals.

Instead of liberal but non-rioting Scandinavians and Germans, the new immigrants are overwhelmingly African, Asian and Hispanic. In fact, Minnesota now has a much larger proportion of Asian and African immigrants than the nation as a whole.

Although the state has always leaned Democratic, thanks to its German and Scandinavian immigrants (Ben Franklin was right about them), the Norsemen elected Walter Mondale. Recent immigrants elected Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Hey, Republicans! Tell me again that immigration is just a “single issue.”

America’s first encounter with anarchist mobs trying to wreck our country came with the last wave of immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. Back then, most Americans liked America. So we had no trouble cracking down on the people who would destroy us. Seven of the eight anarchists behind the Haymarket riot in 1886 were sentenced to death (two of those sentences were commuted to life in prison by the governor), one to 15 years in prison. A few decades later, Attorney General Mitchell Palmer put an end to the nonsense by arresting and deporting more than 500 leftist immigrants.

For the next century, these satanic meddlers were out in the cold. It’s not in the Anglo-Saxon character either to give or take orders. The anarchist agitating was wasted on us. Even the most hard-luck Americans had no patience with communists.

America was unusual that way. Everywhere else in the world, the backbone of the Communist Party — at least at first — is the working class. But to its eternal embarrassment, the American left was bereft of working-class members. Luckily for them, our post-1965 immigration policies gave them a major infusion of the third world’s working class.

Communist and anarchist groups are still — as always — top-heavy with recent immigrants, community college professors, unbalanced women and fatherless soy boys. But it used to be that voters were repelled by these freaks.

Not anymore! California went from being the state that gave us Ronald Reagan (smashed the Berkeley riots) and Richard Nixon (president during Kent State) to the state of Gov. Gavin Newsom (celebrated Black Lives Matter mural on the mall outside the capitol) and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (took a knee at a BLM protest).

How did that devolution happen?

Answer: immigration. When Reagan was elected governor of California, the state was 77% white. Today, whites are a minority at 37%.

You wonder why Democrats are always crowing about how the “blacks and the browns” are voting for them? Another way of putting it is: White voters are the only ones who will ever, in a million years, give a majority of their votes to a Republican.

But the immigration of vast numbers of non-whites from dysfunctional cultures is just a “single issue.”

Yes, Newsom and Garcetti are white Americans — and they’re very sorry about that. But who elected them? The same ethnic groups that elected Hugo Chavez, Evita Peron, fought for Mao and wept fake bitter tears over Kim Jong Il’s death. (You can watch here.)

They’re the same ethnic groups that elected Omar, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and New York City Mayor Bill Di Blasio — mostly Asians and Hispanics brought in since the 1970s for the purpose of voting for Democrats (and also cleaning their homes and doing computer programming for less!).

Di Blasio, who distinguished himself during the riots, won 96% of the black vote, 87% of the Hispanic vote, 70% of the Asian vote and only 54% of the white vote.

Tell me immigration is a “single issue,” again, Republicans.

Becoming more third world is going to mean a lot more protests. It’s how third worlders express themselves — along with Molotov cocktails, as New York City police found out last week.

When Congress proposed cracking down on illegal immigration in 2006, half a million illegals lined the streets of L.A. to protest. During the L.A. riots after the Rodney King verdict, more than half of those arrested were Hispanic.

We don’t have the figures for the current, ongoing nationwide riots, but a Loyola-Marymount professor recently gushed to The New York Times that compared to the Rodney King riots, these have been “truly multicultural.” If we ever find out, I’ll lay even odds that a lot of the looters standing by with empty suitcases outside the luxury stores were our immigrant fraudsters, otherwise employed stealing billions of dollars from Medicare, Social Security and food stamp programs.

Conservatives think they’re so clever to point out that all of the cities being turned into war zones are run by Democrats. Yes, that’s true.

On the other hand, your country is burning. Might you want to give 10 seconds of thought to how to prevent even more cities — and states — from falling under these pernicious leaders?

Great Depression 2 continued

There is a lot of people going broke trying to look rich. You should get your debts paid down like me. When hyperinflation hits, the 401ks, the money markets will be almost worthless. Maybe the federal government is keeping this on life support until they no longer can. It’s like spiritual warfare coming to America. Somewhere on the Internet, I found that pensions will run out in 2028! The federal government was lying to us for decades. The politicians have made promises they can’t keep. This is the broadest global collapse since 1870 despite unprecedented government support. The world economy is supposed to contract 5.2%. It will drive 70 – 100 million to extreme poverty. NBER says there is a recession. The V shaped recovery has happened for stocks but not for the economy. Landlords are sending 1000s of default notices to tenets that could get retailers into bankruptcy. The amount of companies going under is escalating. CBMS will become worthless as people move out of the malls. There’s too much retail in general. May saw the most bankruptcies since 2009. Government started QE4 in September 2019. The markets love it. The federal reserve is doing QE5 right now. Are they seeing the same problems right now as back in September. During QE5, the federal reserve is buying less and less treasuries. They take 4 billion. The federal reserve requirements are zero. The financial establishments can do anything they want. Hyperinflation in the future. The whole world is doing the exact same thing as the federal reserve doing QE5. It started in late may, companies sent 1000s of default notices. Department stores, restaurants, specialty chains and apparel merchants haven’t paid their rent for the last 3 months and have received notices from their landlords. There is this fear that the businesses that haven’t paid their rent are either bankrupt or filling for bankruptcy. There is a lot of worrying like terminating leases and locking up stores. 7.4 billion dollars of rent has to be paid for April. There was 733 businesses that declared bankruptcy. Only 487 businesses filled bankruptcy in 2019. There are 27 companies that have $50 million dollars in liabilities. Almost all businesses weren’t ready for this kind of economic meltdown. Congress is pressured to increase the number of bankruptcy judges. It’ll take months if not years for things to return to normal. Almost all sectors of the economy will suffer long term effects. Bankruptcies include airlines, energy, real estate, automotive suppliers, retail, hospitality. Most of these companies that declared bankruptcy were caught borrowing heavily. The federal reserve opened its stores for companies to take more debt. Most of the money the businesses make were to pay dividends, not employees. There will be a slowdown in cash flows and decrease in revenues so more companies will go bankrupt in the coming months. There is a history wave of insolvencies in the united states. Most investment grade companies have borrowed $1 trillion in the first 5 months of 2020. This amount of debt will negatively affect the economy. In the coming months there will be bankruptcy levels never recorded in American history. Declaring personal bankruptcy will discharge many forms of debt and stop re processions and foreclosures.