Why I hate Wisconsin including lack of jobs here!!!

People outside of Wisconsin will dislike the place because of its people. The small populations result in a lack of social skills. Though when someone new with appealing characteristics (I.e. good looks, athleticism, etc.) they always make poor attempts to get the attention of the outsider through antagonistic remarks, usually lying “or speculation”. On top of their poor behavior, Wisconsites’ always blame other people for there mistakes/behavior, often putting their problems on other people rather than solve them.

Madison, Wisconsin itself void of the people is alright. The people have low self esteem and often want to stay in their “small town reality”, away from the skilled, or gifted people (considered competition).

Often when trying to get attention females will take the most passive lazy approach of walking slowly in front of you. Sometimes blocking your path, touching their hair, or some other scared effortless attempt. Where I come from the interested person starts a conversation. Its understood the interested person is physically attracted and know they need to show additional worth when unequal.

Both the young and old men will lie anytime you wear a hat. It could be 20 degrees and they will accuse you, under there breath, of being bald… but only if you are better looking or more confident than them.

Most Wisconsinites have no chance thriving in the real world due to their poor manners and low self-esteem. I doubt most other Americans will have to tolerate Wisconsites. They like their imaginary world. Its unlikely they will move across state lines.

Also yesterday it was cold and while wearing a hat to Walmart, I was criticized by an old man for purchasing shampoo, while an additional three made the same ignorant self-gratifying (usually intentional) assumption.

People are very fat. I’m OK with fat people if they are trying to lose weight or at least admit they are fat & unhealthy. Fat people here have fat friends & fat family members, & they seem to take pride in their fatness with zero desire to change.

– Fashion. I’m not the best dressed or most up to date myself, but people here don’t even try. The common theme is an extra large red Badger hoodie with baggie blue jeans, often carpenter style jeans from the 90s, Nike shoes & untidy facial hair that hasn’t been trimmed for 10 days. Put on a pair of semi-slim pants, somewhat fitted sweater, & Converse shoes & you’ll stick out severely. Other than Milwaukee, there’s no culture or scene in this state.

– Politics. Most states I’ve lived in the residents keep to themselves about politics, but not here. As a moderate I find both sides equally annoying, dumb, & in your face. The right’s views are mostly based on fear of the unknown & what could happen to their safe comfy city/town. E.g. “If we approve the school referendum then we’ll each pay $500 a year in taxes! I heard it from Charles while eating in the diner.” The left isn’t any better. You simply can’t debate or reason with the left here. They’re extremely smug & mostly spend their time throwing insults if you don’t agree with their narrow & simplistic views.

– Madison is so overrated. (But Milwaukee is underrated.) Locals love to go on & on about how great Madison is & like to think it’s a Portland, Seattle or San Francisco. Please! It’s a bitter cold or humid college town with 2 polluted smelly lakes filled with blue algae. Got to love swimming in the lakes filled with
phosphate pollution coming from farm manure! State street’s filled with homeless people & useless, boring, over priced independent shops & restaurants that all try way too hard to be hip. I love to ask the locals how Madison is better than any other college town like Ann Arbor, Minneapolis, Boulder, Knoxville. Their usual pathetic response is – ‘oh don’t cha know there’s just so much ta do wit the arb, da union, da pretty lakes & of course the Badgers are like the best team ever.’ Uh huh bucko. Try again. Madison isn’t anything special other than the over priced housing thanks in large part to Epic as of late. Thanks to the change in politics, the good professors & researchers are now leaving the universities.

– Badgers. Badger fans are rude, loud, dumb, drunk, & they brag non-stop. How dumb do you have to be to throw snowballs at your own cheerleaders (forcing them to leave) or chant “you can’t read” to a black freshman? They better cherish the 2nd place they got last year because that’s the closest they’ll ever come to a championship in football or basketball in the next 100 years. When the Badgers lose, all the fans do is either blame the refs or say some lame comment like “we don’t do rent-a-players like Duke & UK.” I admit, it’s cute watching your white players advance in the tourney while playing old school defense schemes. Football’s a joke with the watered down schedule each year & the extra watered down conference play of Minnesota, Northwestern, etc. Thankfully Urb & Harbaugh will put them in their place in the coming years.

– Drunks. Please stop drinking so much. You embarrass yourselves & make a scene whenever you leave your miserable state. You do realize it’s not normal to drink 12 Brandy Old-Fashions during 1 Packer game right?

– Overrated scenery. Wisconsinites have a lot of pride regarding how beautiful the state is. It’s not beautiful though. Parts of the driftless area is scenic & if you can handle bitter cold & swarms of mosquitos, then parts of the rivers in the northwoods & parts of the north shore are scenic. The rest is flat, mostly treeless (minus the north woods), boring & pretty much a wasteland. Have these residents never been out west to see actual scenery? Or even to the southern U.S. or Appalachians? Wisconsin is scenic?!?

Wisconsin is far from a progressive state now-a-days. Minnesota is where to go if you want booming business and jobs. In Wisconsin over the past 5 years, education was cut in places and while I’m not really familiar with what goes on in Milwaukee, I’ve heard people calling it a rust belt city for well over 10 years now. There is good and bad. Madison is a college town and if you’re in the medical research or academic field at a higher level, then it can be seen as an ideal city to relocate. Keep in mind that its fairly small though and the 250k population might leave you feeling claustrophobic if you’re used to Boston or New York. It seems like Wisconsin would be ideal if you’re looking to start your own business as I’ve heard that its cheaper to setup shop here compared to Illinois when it comes to taxes and all. If you’re into buying nice clothes then you’re going to have a rough time. Sure there are outlet malls scattered all around, but unless you take a day trip out of state you’re going to be limited to department stores for things to buy. Another problem is a total lack of night life. Sure both major areas have performing arts and music venues like the Orpheum and the Eagles Ballroom, but there really isn’t too much to do in between. Most small cities and towns only have sports bars and if there is a dance or music themed club, they become so rowdy that they get shutdown after being in business for only a short while.

Honestly, unless your whole social circle is looking to relocate to Wisconsin, then I would hazard against a relocation. Like any other place Wisconsin has its pros and cons and its not a terrible place to live but it can make you soft and lazy if you’re not careful.


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