Daily Archives: April 14, 2004

24 hour mayhem!!!!

I woke up noon Thursday and stayed up for the next 24 hours. This sort of thing isn’t good for me, but I do it anyways. I think I drank 3 Mountain Dew bottles that night. In the morning, my eyes started to sting and I couldn’t walk straight so I figured I should go to bed. Mostly I’ve been staring at the computer screen. I think I know what I want for Christmas now. Tigerdirect.com had a good price range for Athlon 64s based desktop computers. I liked the 1000 dollar ones. The Athlon 64 FX-51s are higher CPUs that have 200+ MHz clock speed than the mainstream version. But they double the price of a new computer. I need a new computer because technology is progressing. The question I ask myself is when should I get a new computer? So I raise 1300 dollars and get the next generation of computer hardware. Should I wait 1 year or 2 years to buy it? It’s an ever going dilemma. 18 months is a lot of time you know. It’s a choice I’m very conformable making. This time I won’t fry my motherboard and CPU by ESDing it.

I already know what I want:

Case with transparency with fancy design. I like blue the most.

Windows XP Pro

AMD Athlon 64 3600 or Athlon 64 4000

Soyo Dragon Socket 768 /w on board sound or a Nvidia nforce3 Motherboard

1024 MB PC2700 of RAM

DVD-RW+ 8/24/12

XFX or PNY Geforce 4 5700 256 MB DRR videocard

120 GB hard drive

100/1000 NIC

What should I do later today? Play with my multimeter? Hook it up to my car battery and see how many Volts pass through it. Fluke makes a tough multimeter so I’m sure it can do that sort of thing easily. Why do you think the whole unit is rubberized including the wire?

Last night I went online with Diablo 2 LoD and I leveled to 64. I was playing the Baal runs when I came across 3 characters that could do Battle Command, Windforce, firewall and some other skills that they could not normally do. They wear a rune called Call of Duty they made by mixing runes in the cube. The Mal rune is easy to find, but players want the most elite items if they give it away. It’s a new formula in the 1.10 patch.

I now have possession of the Region 1 PS2 Bios, SPCH390001.bat. I was really happy to get it for the PSXE2 emulator. I used eMule and I had to re-download off the servers because the servers on eMule change every 10 seconds. After 1 hour of download attempts, I got it. This allows me to play Playstation 2 games on my PC. I can legally have this file because I own a Playstation 2. Why don’t I just play games on Playstation 2? I do all the time though now in the near future I’ll be able to run it both on PS2 and PC. After someone fixes the CD-drive issue.

I talked to Shawn today. He graduated from Renaissance Academy a year before I did. In 11th grade I enjoyed talking to him. I’m not very knowledgeable in cars like he is. I often got confused when we he hyped up about 4 wheel off-road magazines. He’s the kind of person who would love monster truck rallies. One thing I picked up on is he doesn’t care who you are as long as you’re friendly. Everybody else were into girls and MTV music, he not so much. We got a better connection. Shawn does different things now. He is a mechanic and works on his own car. I am trying to get a computer technician degree. I never really was very close though we often talked with each other during lunch every day. To be honest I don’t know him too well. We once went to Home Coming at River Falls in 2002. That was after Brain (we called him Polebarn) left school. He went into the marines and he changed to a more aggressive person. I don’t see him and often I wonder if I should just forget about everyone in High School since we all go our separate ways.

I tried to get into the Navy once though I failed the test and I never re-took it. And here I am getting an entry level degree in network technician. To slow in math and that hurt me on the final test score. Though my reading level was better than most.

Does anyone want to send me a modblog message, and ask me if I need to change my mug shot? It’s already two years old. It was taken by a professional photo guy so that’s why it’s one of the best photos of me.

I got my PSone emulator to work! | Link to PS Bios

Hello. I got some great news and some not so great news. The not so great news is I can’t get my Playstation 2 emulator to work. The emulator I’m using is PCSX2 version 0.6. The EMU says it can’t run commercial PS2 games. It freezes up when I run the game. I am positive that it needs a BIOS. Somewhere you can upload a BIOS from PS2 using some Bios image tool at http://PS2dev.net. Something I’m sure I don’t know how to do. The good news is I got the Playstation emulator to work. I know bleem was was out for quite some time now. And no this is not Bleem! It’s better then Bleem. The one I am trying and to my surprise actually runs is EPSXE 1.6. I had to find the Bios (SCPH1001.dll) it was asking, lucky someone using iMESH had it. I also had to find a GUI. The emulator won’t work without it. I found one off ESPXE’s official webpage. So tonight I’ve been playing Final Fantasy VII on my PC (how exciting). It was a little awkward using the mouse as a joystick. My Noka AirFlow Pro controller is perfect for Playstation games. The still-low resolution graphics became a bit of a disappointment. But hey it’s Playstation on your PC with no fancy TV tuner card. I tried putting the emulator with all the required plugins on my server which made me a little mad. I was going to tell all my friends to download it. Now I’m waiting to get PS2 games running on my computer, which would be very nice.

I would love to give you everything including the emulator itself except all I can give you is the PSone BIOS as written above for now. http://www.pressenter.com/~scampbel/psonebios.zip. 410KB Games I’ve tested are Final Fantasy VII, Gran Tranismo 2 and Legend of Dragoon. They all work very well.

Some other personal news is someone at school deleted my Counter-Strike download. O_o. This was a major disappointment. Mom made a payment to Pay-Pal nearly a week ago to get America’s Army Operations 2.0A sent to us. It hasn’t arrived yet so I’m going to tell Mom tomorrow to check if any money was taken from her account. It’s called Internet Fraud.

I find it difficult to study homework. I admit that the books have good graphics in them, but that’s not what makes it overly easy. I must see reality of it all, if school was easy, 10s of millions of people would have same jobs I want. All it really takes is some determination and the will to read 20 pages every other day. Thus school being difficult enough for me to barely pass some classes. Computers are my livelihood. They control me. I must make them work! I knocked off zoning out in class even though I am tired most days from staying up all night. I don’t know the solution…perhaps it is making good grades. If I made good grades, I’d be real happy. I know what CISCO part 1 is like. It is 3 times as difficult as my current classes. I got a 71% final grade in Cisco at Chippewa Valley in River Falls. At WITC, I need a 72% of better to get a passing grade in CISCO. This is true in all my classes. See I’ll act mature like and say, “What’s in the past is in the past.” Which is the overwhelming truth in this case. I think I’ll play Diablo 2 for the rest of the night so I can go to bed, wake up at 1:30pm, and play catch up on missing assignments.

I wonder how Randy’s been doing this week. He’s my long time friend. Lately he’s been working double shifts at Somerset High School (Ozzfest is held there every year) When he comes over here, there really isn’t much for us to do except play a few rounds of soccer.

Two months until the Pierce County Fair. I haven’t gone there for 3 years since I had nobody to bring. This time though, I can drive myself over there. No sense trying to flatter young girls, I mean it could end up ugly. I mean what happens one of those gals gets me into trouble? Than what? Why meet someone you don’t know when I’ll never see them again. Plus, they’ll figure out I have no money so they’ll loose interest in me very quickly. I like blonds with long legs and their bellys showing. It’s very attractive to us men ya know. Sometimes we just look and don’t know it. There’s a word for it, “babe watching” I believe. To get back to why I’m poor. It’s all about the money. The man with the money gets all the beautiful high school babes! Damn right! Seen it myself!

It’s over at Glenwood City. Usually there are a lot of tractors there and a lot of amusement rides and Candy. Same rides come back every year. If you’ve been there in the pass 5 years, there isn’t really any reason to go back…same old rides, arcade, and booths, and games. I’ve been there since I was a kid. Now, I’ve pretty much grown out of all the rides. Though that “pop the balloon, win a price booth” is still there. To have a great time, Bob, Randy and I should drive over too State Fair grounds pass White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Now that we’re out of high school and Boy Scouts it should be much easier to plan a day for it. Haven’t been there for 4 years. That place has some awesome rides during the annual state fair. I am fond of the bungie cord that drops people 100 feet. There is free stuff including custom T-Shirts booths. 93X is going to be there, that’s enough reason to go. The state fair grounds has it’s own auto racing track. It’s not Nascar, but it’s exactly like Nascar in a way. Been there once myself, thought it was pretty exciting. Hundreds more people come to the state fair every year.

I took this quiz i found off another blog. As you can see I have no problems.

What’s Your Problem? Find out @ She’s Crafty