My Favorite Video Games: Dragon Age: Origins

If there’s one game that could best my love for Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn, it would be Dragon Age: Origins.  Though BGII has held my top spot for years, Dragon Age
comes close to daunting that love – and at any given moment, if asked
which I would pick for my favorite, it would likely depend on the day.

I spent years after the completion of BGII wanting
another sequel, hoping that the developer would return, give us more to
the story and to the world.  Yes, we got the expansion in Throne of Bhaal,
and yes it did wrap things up nicely.  But I had never come close to
loving another game more.  So when I discovered that BioWare was,
indeed, developing another RPG – one described as a spiritual successor
to Baldur’s Gate – I was intrigued.

The more I read up, the more I was convinced I would love to try it.
But even at its release, I hesitated; I had never before played an
M-rated game, and didn’t know how much I would go in for it (even now,
the R-rated films I watch are few and far between).  For another, my sad
little computer only contained but a mere graphics chip, and the only
assurance I had that it might handle the technical beast that was Dragon Age
was that it was able to run the character creator – a kind of techno
demo in itself.  And of course, the issue of money – if I’m going to
spend $40 on this game and don’t love it, will I regret the cost?

But I went for it anyway – because I really, really wanted
to try it.  And looking back, I can honestly say it’s the best $40 I
spent, possibly ever.  Even with all the other games I’ve poured
hundreds of hours into (like the Mass Effect trilogy, Mario Kart Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy) none has quite so dominated my time and thoughts and passion as this one.

The story is often cited as being pretty standard, particularly for
the genre, and while that’s true, I still maintain that it’s a very
well-told version of a story every RPG fan knows.  Unknown lowlife joins
ancient order and rises from obscurity to defeat larger-than-life evil
that is sweeping the land.  It’s familiar stuff.  But the path getting
there is anything but.

First off, I love the different origin stories (and I hope BioWare
tries even more with this in the future).  It’s not just, teenage boy
wakes up in the middle of a storm that will shortly kill his loved ones
sending him out into the world on the path of revenge; every one of the
six stories is distinct and well-developed, a different foray into the
varying worlds and cultures and races of Ferelden – and even dealing
with the classism and racism running rampant in these societies.  What’s
more, the origin story, in turn, will influence the main campaign.
People treat your PC a whole heck of lot better if you’re a human noble,
rather than a Dalish or City Elf.  And every one includes a reunion
with a pivotal member from that story later in the game.  Is the killing
of Arl Howe just another step on your path to confronting Loghain?  Or
is it personal, an opportunity to bring down the man that overthrew and
executed your parents?  When you free that elf from prison, is it just
another NPC that’s grateful for your presence, or is it a reunion with a
long-lost cousin?  It’s a great way of giving so much variety in a game
that is already chock full of it.

Of course, the story turns on one of its most pivotal, and
surprising, moments near the beginning – when Loghain, in the battle
against the Darkspawn at the outset of the game, turns and leaves the
battlefield, taking his army with him, leaving the King and all the
other Grey Wardens to die.  He then pins the king’s death on the Grey
Wardens – meaning your character is now no longer tasked only with
defeating the Archdemon to stop the Blight, but also maneuvering the
political machinations of Ferelden’s elite, on the run and facing a
possible civil war.

Like the best of BioWare games, this one has a memorable cast,
sustaining the developer’s well-earned reputation.  Combined with the
approval/disapproval (the only measure the game gives to morality) and
the option for romances, every conversation with Alistair or Leliana or
Morrigan can not only teach you more about their character, but turn the
tide of your own relationship – and in some cases, the entire

Of course I love the story, and I love picking and choosing my
different decisions to work out the variety of combinations they can
result in – I can side with the Templars over the Mages, kill Connor,
romance Zevran, alienate Alistair, spare Loghain, make Anora queen,
watch Alistair leave my party and then sacrifice my own PC in defeat of
the Archdemon; and that’s just one example.  Multiple decisions can,
especially when combined, go down multiple different paths.  And while
the Archdemon’s defeat is always guaranteed, how you get there, and how
the political landscape of the country looks afterward, can be pretty
dramatically different from one playthrough to the next.

But above it all, even with my love for the story and characters,
it’s the combat that really clinches it for me.  There is no single
other game where I have enjoyed the combat system more; to my eyes, they
took a lot of what was working in Baldur’s Gate and made it
better.  There’s a more standard use of stamina/mana, a smaller and more
manageable array of spells, well-designed skill trees, four
specializations for each of the three base classes, and a ton of armor,
weapons, and runes to be discovered.  And I have never gotten more
enjoyment out of the stat-tweaking and careful leveling up for my

What’s more (I believe I said this when discussing my love for Baldur’s Gate II)
BioWare is the only developer I’ve encountered that does real-time
party-based combat.  And with the option to disable the AI and
micromanage all of the characters in battle, along with the isometric
camera, every single combat encounter is a pleasing experience – because
I have full control of how I approach the challenge, and the game gives
me enormous amounts of freedom in the task.  It’s the most strategic
and tactical system I’ve ever played and I adore the game alone just for

I think I also love this game because I’ve never had another that
completely swallowed me whole; at least not in the same way.  In the
three months it took to complete my first playthrough, I would have 5-6
hour play sessions (which is really unusual for me, as I can usually
only do one task – even reading, or watching a tv series – for only a
couple hours at a time); and it’s not an exaggeration to say that if the
house had burned down around me, I would not have noticed.  I have
never been so enraptured with a game – so thrilled with each new
environment, excited by every surprising step in the story, and thrilled
to tackle every new combat challenge.

Really, if there’s a perfect game, this might be just about the
closest one for me.  Its gameplay and storytelling are both sublime, and
the balance of each in relevance to the overall experience, along with
the expertly crafted walk-the-line between linearity and non-linearity,
creates a magnificent experience.  Especially for someone like me, who
will never stop loving these huge fantasy worlds and medieval settings.
The only criticism I feel could be lobbed at this game is the graphics,
which have never been BioWare’s strong suit.  Many of the environments
are beautiful, but character models are awkward and stiff.  But at the
same time, it’s a testament to BioWare’s talent that it doesn’t matter
much – because most the major characters are so well-written and acted,
that they come to life no matter what.

Beyond that, my first playthrough is something I look back on with an
enormous amount of affection – because it was such a welcome (and
relieving) surprise that the game not only turned out to be better than I
hoped, but completely shattered a lot of my own expectations about
gaming.  Even now, there’s nothing I remember so clearly as the simple
joy of exploring the ruins of an Ancient Temple, dedicated to the
Prophet Andraste, and delving into the Deep Roads in search of a lost
Paragon.  For me, it really doesn’t get better than that.

I’ll also add that this applies primarily to the PC, which is the
definitive version of the game – in large part because the isometric
camera, quick bar, and hot keys make for a much smoother and more
strategic experience.

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